2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 30(a), osteguna

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-R.L stevenson


This strange story happens in London (1884). Mr Utterson is Dr Jekyll's public notary and he knows what his testament says: Henry Jekyll, wants to leave his goods to his friend Edwuard Hyde. Utterson doesn't understabd why, because he discovers that Hyde is a chriminal. He tries to understand which is the reason behind that decision. Later in the story, you can see that the scientist Jekyll has a double personality.

Personal Opinion
I think it is very interesting and in my opinion, given that I like this type of books I have to say it keeps you with its mistery and you sometimes also get nervous. 

Student's name
Aitana Cabido

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 29(a), asteazkena

Zoaz infernura, laztana-Anjel Lertxundi


Rosa, eleberriko preotagonista, oztopoaz beterik bizi da, horietan zailena gainditzen bere mutilaguna da, Tomas. Anjelek tristuraz beteriko bizitza bat deskribatzen digu, xehetasun txikienak kontuan hartuz. Beraien arteko harreman toxiko hori amaitzeko, Inazio izeneko gizonak esku bat botako dio Rosari. Erlazioa konpontzeko irtenbide horrek Rosa kartzelara eramango du.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu hau nahiko gogorra iruditu zait, baina esan beharra dago oso liburu ona dela. Ez nago ohituta horrelako libruak irakurtzen, beraz, apur bat gogorra egin zait liburuan deskribatzen duen istoria. Hala ere, segituan harrapatu nauen liburu bat izan da, gehiago irakurtzeko grina ematen dizun liburu horietakoa . Hiztegi eroso eta erraza du. Hori dela eta, ez zait batere astuna egin elebrri hau. Nire ikuspuntutik nobela oso gomendagarria da gaur egungo gai bat joarratzen duelako eta egunerokotasunean gertatzen den ekintza bat deskribitzen duelako. Nolabait esateko bizitzako errealitatea nolakoa den ohartarazteko balio duela esango nuke.

Nagore Garmendia

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 27(a), astelehena

Bihotz handiegiea-Eider Rodriguez


Sei ipuin motz jasotzen dituen liburua da. Beraien artean lotura zuzenik ez dagoela badirudien arren denek dute ezaugarri bat komunean, hau da, idazleak gizakion harremanak iradokitzen dituela beti ere ikuspuntu oso ezberdinetatik.

Iritzi kritikoa

Nik pertsonalki ez dut oso gustuko izan liburua, nahiago baititut eleberri luzeak ipuinen parean, ipuinak oso motz gelditzen baitzaizkit. Halaber, guztiz gomendagarria dela deritzot, oso ondo idatzita baitago.

Irati Esnaola

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 25(a), larunbata

A foreigner in India-Sue Kendall


Edu Martines, a Spanish teenager, goes on a trip to India  as a birthday with his father  . There, he meets Chandra, a teenager whose parents are very kind and intelligent, and they know many languages. He also meets Chandra's cousin, Jaya, a beautiful girl. They visit a lot of cities, one of them Bangalore, which is the capital of the countr. They play cricket, they visit  the Taj Majal and enjoy Bollywood films. Edu, falls in love with Jaya, but he realizes that his journey is coming to an   end. He says goodbye to everyone and he promises he'll come back.

Personal Opinion
I think that this book is amazing. I'd love to visit India one day, so it has been great to learn new things about the country and its culture.

Student's name
Elbereth Fernandez

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 24(a), ostirala

Connemara gure bihotzetan-Julen Gabiria


Txemak bere neskalagun Eider auto-istripu batean galdu berri du. Horrenbestez, neskak aurreko urtean Irlandara eginiko bidaiari buruzko eguneroko bat aurkitu ostean, bidai hau berregitera ekiten dio Txemak. Dena den, Eiderren arimarekin batera egin nahi zuen bidai espiritual hura amesgaizto bihurtzen da, egunerokoak neskaren bidaiaren alde ilunak ere uzten baititu agerian.

Iritzi kritikoa
Eleberri honetan sentimenduek garrantzia ukaezina dute. Izan ere, hauek guztiz baldintzatzen dituzte Txema eta Eiderren bizitzak. Istorio hau, beraz, iragana alde batera utzi eta bizitzaz gozatzeko aldarrikapen hutsa da, Txemaren istorio tristearen bitartez Julen Gabiriak helarazi diguna.

María Goya

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 23(a), osteguna

Sofia Petrovna-Lidia Txukovskaia


Sofia Petrovna, Sovietar Batasuneko herritar bat da, bere semeaz eta komunista izateaz oso harro dagoena. Hala eta guztiz ere, ezin hobea den sistema horrek bere akatsak ere izango ditu eta Sofia Petrovna izango da horiek pairatuko dituenetako bat. 

Iritzi kritikoa
Beste gizarte bateko sistema ezagutzeko liburu ezin hobea da, beste garai eta leku batean kokaturik baitago. Bere trama, pertsonaia eta irakurtzeko erreztasuna dira liburu hau edonori gomendatzeko arrazoiak. 

June Sanz

Manuscrit trouvé dans une bouteille-Edgar Allan Poe


L'histoire commence avec un jeune homme déraciné avec un esprit aventurier, ce pour ça qu´il s´embarque vers l'île de Java. Le voyage démarre très mal, à cause d'une tempête, tous ses bagages sont tombés dans la mer. Les seules personnes qui ont réussi à rester sur le bateau sont le jeune homme et un vieux marin. Alors que le jeune homme voyait sa mort arriver, il a décidé d'écrire toutes ses aventures sur papier, puis de les mettre dans une bouteille pour pouvoir le jeter à la mer. Plus tard, le jeune homme parvient à se sauver en grimpant sur un bateau, qui est celui qui l'a secouru. Par contre, finalement une autre tempête d'eau les avale.

Avis de l'évèle
Á mon avis, ce n'est pas un roman difficile à lire. L’histoire est facile à comprendre. parce que le vocabulaire est simple. Je le recommande vivement car à part d’être un livre qui vous accroche, il est d'un écrivain connu comme c’est le cas d’ Edgar Allan Poe.

Nom de l'évèle
Ana Justo

L´ange Gardien-JÉRÔME LEROY


Le livre parle d'un journaliste qui part à Perpignan au mariage de sa fille et là, il trouve qu'un justicier masqué protège les citoyens en danger. Il apparaît toujours au bon moment pour défendre les victimes contre leurs agresseurs. Alex, le journaliste, enquête sur l'affaire avec ses collègues et ils finissent par trouver des indices. À la fin, ils découvrent qui est l'ange gardien, mais ils gardent le secret pour ne pas créer de problèmes.
Avis de l'évèle
Je n’ai pas beaucoup aimé l'histoire, parce qu'elle me semble très simple, mais j'ai appris beaucoup de vocabulaire. C'est facile à comprendre, donc je le recommande aux débutants. 

Nom de l'évèle
Irene Pousada

Roissignols en cage-Madeleine Trehearne


Quelques jeunes Parisiens ont pris l'habitude de se rencontrer pour vivre des aventures amusantes. Leurs parents sont riches. Ils vivent dans de grandes maisons avec des domestiques. Un jour ils ont décidé de rester dans la cave de la maison d’un d’entre eux. La cave se trouve loin de la maison et c'est l'endroit où les gens se cachaient pendant la guerre. Ce jour-là ils ont involontairement verrouillé la porte et ayant oubliant la clé ils sont restés enfermés. 

Avis de l'évèle
“Rossignols en cage” est une histoire d'aventures, facile et amusante. Je le recommanderais à tous ceux qui veulent lire quelque chose de simple mais plaisante. Les personnages sont très sympathiques, les aventures sont originales et, comme ce n’est pas un livre très difficile, elles se comprennent bien. Je le recommande ! 

Nom de l'évèle
June Sanz

Maigret et le clochard-Georges Simenon


Deux bateliers ont jeté un clochard sur la Seine à Paris. Il a été grièvement blessé à cause de cet acte. Maigret va faire des recherches car il veut résoudre le cas. Au début, il interroge un clochard qui s’appelle Jeff Van Houtte. Il dit qu’il a vu un Peugeot 403 rouge sur le quai, avant du crime. Au moins, il a découvert que le clochard s’appelait François Keller et qu’il était une personne âgée qui n’a plus pu supporter la mentalité bourgeoise de sa femme. Maigret a trouvé les propriétaires de cette voiture mais, selon eux, ils étaient innocents. Le détective, au final, a découvert les motifs de cet essai de assassinat. Jeff Van Houtte était un des bateliers. Il est tombé amoureux avec la fille de son patron. Afin de ne pas avoir d’obstacles, il a tué le patron. François a été témoin du crime . Cependant, il se suicide. Deux ans plus tard, Jeff l’a su et, à conséquence de la peur, il a essayé le tuer avec l’aide d’une personne. Malgré ça, la victime ne voulait pas témoigner contre les deux criminelles. Grâce à l’amabilité de François, Maigret a dû les libérer. 

Avis de l'évèle
À mon avis, c’est un livre très intéressant et amusant parce que, en plus de mystère et suspense, il y a de l’humour. Les personnages bougent beaucoup pendant l’histoire. Ça veut dire que les scènes sont très divers et c’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai tellement aimé l’histoire. Je pense que le livre est merveilleux et je le recommande sans douter. 

Nom de l'évèle
Iñaki Bereziartua

Arsène Lupin: Le bouchon de cristal-Maurice Leblanc


Au cours d'un cambriolage chez le député Daubrecq, un crime est commis et deux complices d'Arsène Lupin sont arrêtés par la police. L'un est coupable du crime, l'autre innocent, mais les deux seront condamnés à mort. Lupin s'emploie à délivrer la victime de l’erreur judiciaire, mais il doit lutter contre le député Daubrecq, maître-chanteur sans scrupule, qui détient un document compromettant, dissimulé dans un bouchon de cristal. Lupin est attaqué par Daubrecq et celui-ci s’échappe sur un bateau. Enfin, ils trouvent Daubrecq et c’est lui qui finit par payer la peine de mort et pas les amis d'Arsène Lupin. 

Avis de l'évèle
Ce livre, Arsène Lupin: Le bouchon de cristal, écrit par Maurice Leblanc est un livre à suspense et c’est l’un des genres que j’aime le plus. Le livre est facile à lire pour les débutants comme moi et à mon avis c’est un bon livre pour apprendre de nouveaux mots.

Nom de l'évèle
Jon Soto Urreta

Christine/Léviathan-Julien Green


Jean et sa famille passent leurs vacances d’été à la maison de Fort Hope. L’été de son treizième anniversaire, ils reçoivent une visite inattendue de sa tante qui vient avec une fille que ni la famille ni lui même ne connaissent. Quelque chose d’étrange va se passer avec cette fille mystérieuse, soudain elle disparaît, et Jean va essayer avec tous ses moyens et tous ses forces de savoir ce qui se passe… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ La navire de “Bonne Espérance” part en en voyage de la France vers l'Amérique. Dans cette navire il y a a un voyageur mystérieux avec une attitude suspecte. Le capitaine très attentif, tentera de découvrir ce qu’il a entre les mains pour essayer de sauvegarder les vies des passagers et leur assurer un voyage pleasant. 

Avis de l'évèle
C’est un livre avec deux histoires faciles à comprendre et très intéressantes. Les deux ont une fin inattendue et comme il n’y a pas beaucoup de personnages, ce n’est pas compliqué. Les dessins de chaque page aident à comprendre ce qui se passe. Je voudrais conseiller le livre à tous ceux qui veulent améliorer leur niveau de français. 

Nom de l'évèle
Ahlam Haddad

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 22(a), asteazkena

The adventures of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain


Tom was a boy who lived with his aunt, because both of his parents were dead. One day, he got angry with his aunt and he went to have an adventure with his friend Huck. They went near a haunted house and they hide behind a tree. They saw how Injun Joe, who was drunk, killed Doctor Robinson. Then, Injun and his friend Muff Potter started discussing about the murder. The sheriff found the corpse of the Doctor, but instead of arresting Injun, they arrested Muff, because Injun lied about the murderer. Days passed by and Injun was on liberty, but he had a problem, he had to hide the treasure, so he went to a cave and Tom saw that, later he decided to tell the police that Injun was the murderer and they decided to put a big metalic wall in front of the cave. That way, Injun couldn´t get out and he died.

Personal Opinion
It is a good book, with an easy vocabulary and entertaining story. It is quite short which is better than long and boring books. In conclusion, I recommend it to people of my age.

Student's name
Maren Mendizabal

Dino´s Day in London-Stephen Rabley


The story takes place in London. It tells the story of a taxi driver called Tommy. Tommy picks up Dino, and he takes him to know the different places that are in London. When they go back to the place where he has to leave Dino, Tommy realizes that it was not Dino who had called him, but that it was another woman.

Personal Opinion
In my opinion, the book is easy to read. It is easily understood , and it is suitable for teenagers.

Student's name
Sara Etxabe 

The Hong kong Connection-Peter Cooper


Robert Scott was in his office at Scotland Yard, when he  suddenly received a call from Detective Chief inspector Lane, to tell him that a body had been found in the bushes next to the train station. The victim had a bullet on the back of his head. This crime took Chief Supertendent Scoot with sergeant Baker, to Hong Kong. Once there, they collaborated with the Hong Kong police until they found the murders.

Personal Opinion

I think that this book is very interesting because it's about crimes, and I love this type of books. I also have to say, that this book was easy to read, because you wanted to know more and more.

Student's name
Josune Diez

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 21(a), asteartea

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain


The story happens in 1844, St Petersburg, on the Mississippi River. Tom Sawyer, an orphan, lives with his aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid. Tom skips school to go swimming and he is made to whitewash his aunt's fence for the whole next day, as a punishment. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town and the daughter of a judge. Tom persuades Becky to get “enganged” by kissing him. Ton gets bored at school and he soends time with his best friend Joe and Huckleberry Fin. These three boys and Becky will live new adventures together and will have to face new challenges. 

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this is a good book, first because it’s very interesting and I like adventure books. And second, because the vocabulary is very easy and it is not hard to understand . 

Student's name
Maria Vega Garmendia

Three mystery plays-Donn Byrne


A fortune teller goes to the house of 3 friends and she starts reading foretelling their future. She tells  one of them that it was going to be a bad day for her and after saying that the fortune teller turns into a very strange mood. When the 3 friends had to go, they  realized that someone had stolen them. Finally, they found out that the future teller's friend had stolen them while she was telling them their future. 

Personal Opinion
I like  this book because it was very easy to read and to understand. It wasn't very long and it was entertaining too.

Student's name
Leire Razkin

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 20(a), astelehena

Zoaz infernura laztana-Anjel Lertxundi


Beti ezkontza ez da zoragarria. Hori ikusi du Rosak Tomasekin ezkondu eta gero. Tratu txarrak, nekea , depresioa... txarra den guztia jasango du Rosak istorioan zehar. Hala ere, ez da begira geratuko eta mendekatuko da, etorriko zaizkion ondorio latzak alde batera utziz.

Iritzi kritikoa
Liburua zeharo tristea da zenbait tartetan. Hala ere, interesgarria iruditu zait eta irakurtzeko grina sorrarazten du. Guztiz gomendagarria iruditzen zait, askotan errealitatea irudikatzen baitu. Nire ustez, liburu aparta da gaur egun zenbait pertsonak jasaten duten sufrimenduaz konturatzeko, errealitatean liburuan kontatzen dena gertatzen baita.

Iñaki Bereziartua

Dino's day in London-Stephen Rabley


Tommy Grant is a taxi driver in London, and he works for TOP TAXIS. One day, very early in the morning, Sam, Tommy's boss calls him to say that he has to spend the day with Dino, a 12 year old  boy, because his mum, the film star Gloria Brush has to work. Sam says that Tommy has to stay at 9.00 at The Ritz hotel. At The Ritz, there is a letter for Tommy and 50 pounds for Dino. At 8.45 Tommy takes the letter, and it says that she wants Tommy to take him to some places (1) Buckingham Palace (2) Harrods (3) the British museum. But Dino doesn't want to go to those places and he goes to the video palace, to the Big Burger Bar and to the cinema. Then his mum Gloria Brush is angry with Tommy because he doesn't do the things that she says to do.

Personal Opinion

I think the story is great. Also, I won't do the same that Dino does.

Student's name
Harri Rodriguez

Treasure Island-Roberth Louis Stevenson


Jim is a young man who one day found the chest of a dead person in his hotel. Jim opened the box and inside there was a treasure map. Jim decided to go on a treasure hunt with the Trelawney. They got a boat and they went to the treasure. When Jim fell into a barril, the bad crew captured him. Jim and Ben were rescued by a good crew. Then, they went to the cave of Ben Gum and they found the treasure.

Personal Opinion

The novel is good but the main character, Jim is very boring.

Student's name
Kepa Arratibel

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 19(a), igandea

Dino's day in London-Stephen Rabley


A famous cinema person goes to London and a taxi driver has to look after her son. The mother gave to the hotel 50 pounds for the son to visit London and buy anything he wanted. A boy that was waiting in the entrance of the hotel said to the taxi driver that he was actress' son and he spent the day with Tommy and he spent all the money. Finally, that boy was the son of the taxi driver's boss and the real Dino was waiting in the hotel. At the end, her mother got angry and Tommy had to pay for it.

Personal Opinion

At first, it seems that the book is for kids but it´s an interesting story. It has not much difficulties to understand. It's short but that doesn't mean it has to be easy. I liked the twist in the end. I recommend it to practise English a little bit.

Student's name
Naroa Gorostizu

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 18(a), larunbata

A Foreigner in India-Sue Kendall


Edu and his father go to India to spend the summer because his father has to  work there. Edu visits all the sites in India, that is, the Taj Majal, The Temple of Bangalore... with the son of the chief, Chandra and his cousin Jaya. As the days go by, he fells more and more attracted to Jaya. In the end, they fell in love and their romance begins. Will they be able to keep their romance standing? Will they see each other again?

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, it is a book for young people like us to read because parents would not like it as much as I do because of the type of story that tells.

Student's name
Natale Oria Nazabal

Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson


Jim Hawkins worked with his father in an inn. The inn was located in a paceful place with some views to the sea. One day, an old man came into the inn. He wanted to stay there for a long time. He said that they must call him captain. Captain was very ill. Other people came. Another man expounded he must speak with captain. They spoke and the man, suddenly, left the inn. Captain was dead. Jim owned a box with a map. That map had the situation of a treasure. His dad died some days later. He was very sick too. He found the treasure after having a lot of adventures in the sea with other pirates. He become a rich man with the gold. He only had some, the rest was stolen or divided up.

Personal Opinion

I think that this book is very amazing because it has lost of adventures in it. I recommend it because it is a short book and you can read it quickly.

Student's name
Zuriñe Baile

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 15(a), asteazkena

The missing coins-John Scoot


Pete and Carla are students. One day, they see  some very old coins and stamps in a shop. Pete wants to buy some stamps, but they are very expensive. Later that day some coins are missing from the shop and the shop keeper wants to find Pete because he thinks he has stolen them.

Personal opinion
I like the book, because it is interesting and easy to understand.

Student´s name
Julen Magdaleno

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 14(a), asteartea

The Phantom Of The Opera-Jennifer Bassett


It is 1880, in the Opera House of Paris. Everyone in Paris talks about the phantom of the opera, a ghost who lives under the Opera House. Everyone is afraid of him but actually nobody has seen his face until the ghost falls in love with the opera singer Christine Daaé, but the problem is that she is in love with another guy and she planed to marry him, but the day they were going to get married the phantom kidnapped Christine, when Roul (her real love) finds that out ,tries to find her but the ghost traps him and tries to kil him. If Christine wanted Roul to survive she had to marry the ghost so she kissed him and the ghost lets her free. Finally, Roul and Christine get married.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion , it's a great story because it shows the feelings of a person who is alone because everyone is afraid of his appearance. At the same time, it shows how love makes us do things we would never do, in this case, Christine had to kiss the ghost even fearing him to save Roul's life.

Student's name
Mireia Huesa

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 13(a), astelehena

Rosy is my relative-Gerald Durrell


Adrian Rookwhistle is 30 years old.He lives alone and he hasn't done anything exciting in his whole life. On his birthday,his uncle gives him an elephant, Rosy,and he doesn't know what to do.His only friend gives him a wooden car to travel,and since then,horrible events happen. For example, the destruction of a market, a theater  and the interruption of a hunt. As a result, Adrian went to trial  and he was-found innocent. 

Personal Opinion

In my opinion,this short story is perfect for people who look for entertainment and don't like reading too much.
Student's name
Jon Moreira

The innocent victim -Simon Betterton


Richard was eighteen.He had a good family,friends and a wonderful girlfriend; and above all,he loved his motorbike. One day, they stole his motorbike on his birthday. Anthony was Alison's friend and he hated Richard.The police arrested him thinking he was the one who robbed the store.Anthony and Alison did their best to help him.Finally,Alison left Richard and chose Anthony .Richard has another interview.

Personal Opinion

I really liked this book I think it is interesting and entertaining . I recommend reading it.

Student's name
Dunia Sbai

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 12(a), igandea

Sisifio maite minez-Laura Mintegi


Maitasunak erokeriak egitera bultzatzen gaitu askotan… Aneren bizitza hankaz gora jarriko da Mikel ezagutzean, eta atzean utzitako iraganeko gertakizun misteriotsu eta ilunak berriro ere agertuko dira, bere bizimodua erabat aldatuz.

Iritzi kritikoa

Ekintza gutxi dituen liburua izanagatik ere, liburu interesgarria iruditu zait, istorio hunkigarri bat kontatzen baitu eta maitasunari buruzko hausnarketak egiten baititu, irakurlea ere gogoeta egitera bultzatuz.
Leire Mendizabal

Around the world in eighty days-Jules Verne


In 1872, a young Frenchman said to Phileas Foog that if they travelled around the world in eighty days, they would win 20000$ by Barings Bank. Without having really too much, they organised  the journey and they started travelling. During journey, they had a lot of adventures in India, Japan, Bombay... and finally 80 days later, they got it and they won  20000$.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, it is easy to understand and  pictures help a lot. The first four chapters are a little bit boring  but the plot improves as the story moves forward and the last chapter is exciting. 

Student's name
Iñigo Mendizabal

A Safary Mystery-Micky Jenkins


It is about a 2o year old girl called Julie O´Neill who loves elephants and she goes on a safari in a Masai reserve. Julie doesn't see any elephants which is very strange and she is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Personal Opinion

It hasn't been a book that has specially interested me, but I think that it is a good book to visualize the problem of the traffic of elephant ivory tusks.

Student's name
Elbereth Fernandez

The black tulip-Alexandre Dumas


This is a book inspired in the year 1672, we are talking about a historical novel which takes place in the Netherlands, in the middle of the nineteenth century. The main plot line takes place during eighteen months having like the figure of the main character a boy called Cornelius. He lives in Hague, the capital city of the Seven States, where they have set a prize of 100000 guilders to the person who can grow a black tulip, a competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, fame and honor. He loves a girl called Rosa and he wants to win the competition to attract her, but after his powerful grandfather is assasinated, the innocent Cornelius was caught up in a deadly political intrigue and is falsely accused of high treason by a bitter rival. Then, his only confort will be Rosa, and together, they will come up with a plan to grow the black tulip in secret...

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this book is very dynamic, I found it very easy to read in a relaxed afternoon. A point that I like about the book is that it often speaks directly to the reader. But one of the negative points is that the writting is a bit ancient. During the novel, there are some words (which appear in the story) translated or explained to improve the readers vocabulary. Generally, I think that it is a good book.

Student's name
Enara Nazabal

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 10(a), ostirala

Uluru-Helen Burton


Tracy Taylor and her mother went on holidays near Yulara, in central Australia. Tracy met an attractive boy called Daren,who  was an aboriginal. They went to a cave to see some aboriginal paintings and Daren told Tracy about his grandfather´s lost paintings. Then they went to another cave. When they were in, they saw some paintings and Daren fell down to a big hole. Tracy went to help him and they found a big box. They opened it and all  the box was full of Daren´s grandfather´s paintings. After that, they heard a noise, they hide behind a rock. They were the thieves that stole Darel´s grandfather´s paintings. The men left the cave and Tracy and Daren went to tell his grandfather. They went again with Daren´s grandfather and the police, but they didn´t find the right cave, so the police didn´t help them. Another day, they went with Darel´s grandfather and they found the cave, but there were the thieves and their leader. They kidnapped them and they pulled them to the desert. If you want to know what happens to  them, read the book!

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, the book is very nice and easy to read, I understand it well and I feel good reading the book.
Student's name
Intza Olano

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 9(a), osteguna

The Thirty-Nine Steps-John Buchan


Richard Hannay has come from Africa to Britain, but he gets bored in England, so he gives a couple  of days to himself, and if anything interesting happens, he will return to Africa. But suddenly, out of nowhere, Franklin P.Scudder appears in his house. And since then one adventure leads to another.

Personal Opinion

I think, that this book is very interesting. You never know what will happen next and it is full of unexpected twists.

Student's name
Josune Diez

Island for sale-Anne Collins


A Scotsman named Duncan McTavish is the owner of an island called Lana, and he and his dog live in the castle that is located on that island. Unfortunately, electricity from October to March costs too much, because the castle was very dark and cold. When he saw the prince, he could not afford it, so he thought that selling the island and the castle would be the best idea. Leaping Larry, the famous American rock star and his girlfriend were interesed in the offer, but the girlfriend didn´t like it for some reasons. So, Duncan had to think of another way to get the money. Fortunately, Duncan met Jean, a beautiful girl who helped him make money. Jean and Duncan got married and they had two children. 

Personal Opinion

It was easy to read, but I don´t like reading in English. 

Student's name
Uxue Garmendia.

Gangsters-Ramon Ybarra Rubio


Te Godfather is the most popular gangster film in history. Hollywood began producing gangster films in 1930s. Organised crime still has a strong presence in U.S.A and Italy. This illegal business makes 50 $ billion every year in U.S.A.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this book is interesting because you learn things about gangsters and I would recommend this book to everyone who likes organised crime.

Student's name
Eneko Merino

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 8(a), asteazkena

The Secrets of Silver Lake-Michelle Telford


Eddie and Jon Marks are spending their summer vacation at Silver Lake in the USA, in a wooden cabin next to a strange old house. When Eddie meets two other boys, they tell him the story of the old house and of the gangster, Jack "The Devil" Devlin, who once lived in the house. This is the beginning of a scary adventure for the boys.

Personal Opinion
I think it is boring, and I think it has too much unnecessary information, for example, the way the house looks is described giving too many details. They even explain the colour of the wallpaper in each room.

Student's name
Ane Sanz

Around the world in eighty days-Jules Verne


In 1872 no one had travelled around the world in eighty days. It was unthinkable! but that didn't stop Mr Phileas Fogg from attempting the impossible. He travels by ship, train and even on an elephant.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion the story is very interesting and amazing, you can learn a lot of new things about places around the world or the culture of its location.

Student's name
Intza Eskisabel

Island for sale-Anne Collins


Lana is a small island that is near Scotland, and the island has a big and an old castle. Someone calls Duncan McTavish who lives with his dog called Jack. Duncan likes going for walks with his dog and swimming and fishing. One day, Duncan gets a letter, in which the Electricity company tells him that he has to pay 5000 pounds, so he thinks to sell his island because he hasn´t got enough money. Someone wants to buy his island so, the person comes to Lana to see the castle. Leaping Larry and his girldfrien come to the island by helicopter, but they don´t like the castle because it is old, dark and there´s not electricity so they decide to go back to California. One day when Duncan was walking around the island he saw a beautiful girl called Jean. He told her about the castle an she helped him to earn money. And now they are married and they have two children. Now Duncan has a bussiness called McTavish Painting Holiday.

Personal Opinion
I think that this book is very interesting because you can learn new things about the island of Scotland.

Student's name

2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 3(a), ostirala

Soinujolearen semea-Bernardo Atxaga


Davidek bere memoriak idai nahi izan ditu beti. Bertan Obaba jaioterrian igarotako gaztealdia kontatuko du, familiarekin eta lagunekin dituen harreman korapilatsuak eta franquismoaren garaiko Euskal Herriko pasarteak . Baina orain, Kalifornian lurperatua izan dela, bere lagun Josebari egokituko zaio lan hori.

Iritzi kritikoa

Atxagak berriro ere, Euskal Herriarekin duen miresmena erakusten du, baina modu pertsonalagoan. Ez da liburu irakurterraza eta batzuetan astuna ere gertatu liteke. Baina benetan erakargarria dena kontatzen den istorioa zein erreala den ikustea da. Pertsonaia nagusiaren bizitza guztia argi islatzen da, bere ideia, sentimendu eta eta arazo guztiak zureak egiten dituzu. Daviden bizitza zurea izango da irakurri bitartean, Obabako bizitza deskubritzeko.

Ane Aramburu

127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...