2020(e)ko azaroaren 30(a), astelehena

A Spy in Siberia-Samuel Sheehy


Eminent scientist Dr Erik Carlsson is kidnapped by criminals at an international conference, just when he was going to present a solution to global warming. Fiona, an American spy, went to Siberia to save the scientist, due to there being something suspicious in the temperature. When she was in Siberia, she found a cave with the help of a family, and she discovered a capsule and Fiona took photographs of this. Then, she met Dr Nilsson, a colleague of Erik, and they found Erik, who was in Australia. She found the suspicious house and she took an USB, but a man saw Fiona. When she escaped on a bicycle she had an accident, but she escaped. She saw a video from the USB. Dr Clarsson asked for help. Later, she reported the information to Dr Nilsson. After this, they went to the Great Sandy Desert and they found the laboratory. They distracted back guards and they got in the lab. They found the scientist, but Luiz Silva (the kidnapper) tied them with a rope, and they knew the objective was to achieve money and power. Finally, Fiona escaped and the police arrested Luiz and Dr Nilsson, because she worked for 2 bands. 

Personal Opinion

The book is more difficult to read than  previous year's reading books , but it’s a good level to learn English. The story and the adventures are good. 

Student's name
Alai Beloki 3F

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family goes on holiday to  Thailand. One day, they go to  the jungle on a tour. Mum doesn't go. Cha is their guide. Dad, Sam and Linda go with Cha by car. In the jungle Cha falls over, a snake bites him and Dad feds ill. Sam and Linda are scared. They start running, and they get lost. They cross the river on a bamboo  raft. Suddenly, the raft hits a rock. Sam falls into the water. In the end, Linda and Sam find a village.  Kris helps Sam and Linda. All together they rescue Dad and Cha. 

Personal Opinion

In my opinion the book is not very intesesting. It is childish.

Student's name

Malen Garmendia Martinez.

Saving Copper-Marisa Mcgreevy


Molly and his family went to visit Santa Claus to ask for presents for Chistmas. Molly wanted a pony but his mother didn't have money to buy one. The next morning, Molly decided to walk to the local stables to visit the house and the ponies. Molly's cousin Betty worked at the stables and she had a pony for Molly. The pony's name was Copper and it was a small pony. Molly rode the pony every day. One day, she decided to take part in a horse-riding competition and won it.

Personal Opinion

I enjoyed it a lot and it was easy to read.

Student's name

Enara Telleria Olaskoaga


2020(e)ko azaroaren 25(a), asteazkena

Kolosala izango da-Joseba Sarrionandia


Haurtzaroko jolasgurea, adiskidetasuna, baita ere hasarreak, amodio lotsati bat, ikastolako kontu aspergarriak... Dena Gerra Zibilaren iluntasun lanbrotsu eta odoltsuarengatik distortsionatua ikusten da, eta alai izateko azken esperantza Alemaniatik datorren zirku bat da.

Iritzi kritikoa

Historian apur bat sakondu ez duenarentzat hainbat gauz ulertzea zaila gerta daiteko, baina hori alde batera utzita liburu bikaina iruditzen zait, garai historiko oso gordin batean kokatzen gaitu, eta dena haur baten ikuspegitik ikustarazten digu, garaia hartatik dakigun guztia era distortsionatuago batez azalduz, jolasgurez eta abentura grinez.

IƱaki San Sebastian

2020(e)ko azaroaren 18(a), asteazkena

A dream come true- Elspeth Rawstrom



Tanya, a 16 years old student, is going to present to auditions to be in a band, called Starlight. The bad needs a female singer and musicians. When she goes to the audition, which is going to be in the furniture factory, she sees a boy in the entrance waiting to enter. Both start to speak and they become friends. The boy called Dan, is going to present as guitarist in the band. There is a long time for the auditions, so they give a tour around the factory. They listen sounds in the hallway, they come from a room. They come closer and they see Lara Lane with her manager. They are talking about the auditio. She says that as the singer they have to choose Bianca. When Tanya listens that she thinks that she isn't going to present in the audition, but Dan encourages her, because Tanya sings better than Bianca. When the audition finishes they see in one of the factory rooms ancient earrings. Tanya takes them and she puts them on her ears. In the train, they see two mysterous men who are following them. Why are the men interested in them? Do Tanya and Dan get into the band? The life of Tanya and Dan is in danger and with a lot of mystery.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this book is very interesting and wonderful. I was suprised with the final, I didn't expect it. The book is easy to understand. I really recommend it to read, if you like mystery books.

 Student's name

Sara Elzaurdi

2020(e)ko azaroaren 9(a), astelehena

Zenbaki lehenen bakardadea-Paolo Giordano


Mattia eta Aliceren bizitzak elkarrekin gurutzatzen dira nerabezaroan non bakoitzaren traumak pertsona konplexutan, bakarti eta isolatu bihurtu dituzten. Adiskidetasunak lotura handiago bat sortzera eramaten ditu, non batean bestean islatuta ikusten diren. Gainera, elkar ulertzen dute hitz egin beharrik gabe, eta konturatzen dira jada ez daudela hain bakarrik munduan.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu interesgarria eta hunkigarria iruditu zait. Idazleak bakardadea bezalako sentimenduak transmititzeko duen trebetasuna zoragarria da.

Irati Lorence

2020(e)ko azaroaren 5(a), osteguna

Kez egindako erretratua-Bill S.Ballinger


Krassy Almauniski hamazazpi urteko neskatoa da familia txiro eta zorrotz batean bizi dena. Istorio guztian zehar, gaztea, gizartean lekua irabazteko edozer gauza egiteko gai dela ikusiko dugu. Beti bere sedukzio-gaitasuna abian jarriz eta mutil eta gizon guztiak manipulatuz haren xedea lortu arte, hots, diru mordoska edukitzea lana egin gabe bizi ahal izateko. Arazoa Danny April ezagutzen duenenan agertzen da, bera ez baita beste mutil guztiak bezain ergela. Zer gertatuko da? 

Iritzi kritikoa

Amaitzeko, eleberri misteriotsuak irakurtzea gustatzen zaizuenoi, benetan oso gomendagarria dela pentsatzen dut. Beraz, eskuratu liburua eta irakurtzera! 

Eric Ayestaran

2020(e)ko azaroaren 3(a), asteartea

Soinujolearen Semea-Bernardo Atxaga


Istorio honek Daviden bizitza gorabeheratsua kontatzen digu. Gerra Zibilari eta Obaban gertatutako fusilatuei buruzko kontuak ateratzen hasten denean, bere oso ondoko jendea ze alderditan ibili zen konturatzeak bizitza guztia aldatuko dio. Jada ez da haurtzaroan zen mutil alai eta jostagarri bera. Espainiar faxisten basakeriak ondo-ondoan bizitzen dituenean bi aukera gelditzen zaizkio: eskuak gurutzatuta ezikusiarena eginez gorrotoa dion jendearekin batera geratu ala herriaren alde borrokatu. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Euskal Herriko historia gustuko baduzu eta gertutik bizi nahi baduzu, ez izan zalantzarik eta irakurri Bernardo Atxagaren eleberri zoragarri hau, garaiko bizimoduan barrena sartuta sentituko zara.

Irati Aiestaran

Gezurren Basoa-Alberto Ladron Arana



Haur bat desagertu da, eta Leire Asiain inspektoreak hori ikertu beharko du. Ikerketa aurrera joan ahala, haurraren familian gertatutako gauza misteriotsuak eta kontu ilunen arrastoak aurkitu eta argitara aterako dira. Egia aurkitu nahian, gezurrez inguratuta aurkituko dira. Nori sinetsi, denak gezurretan ari direnean?

Iritzi kritikoa

Nire ustez, liburuaren lehenengo zatia nahiko astuna da, informazio ugari ematen baitu. Bigarren pasartea berriz, oso interesgarria iruditu zait, eta bukaera aldera ezuste harrigarriak daude. Misteriozko liburuak gustatzen zaizkien pertsonei gomendatuko nieke, baina genero hori asko atsegin ez dutenei ez, ez delako oso interesgarria hasieratik.

Alaia Estevez

127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...