2020(e)ko apirilaren 2(a), osteguna

A marriage of convenience-W. Somerset Maugham


A Frenchman needed to find a wife to marry her. One of his friends said to him that she had a cousin who had an important job in the Government and the Frenchman needed this. So he decided to ask her and they spoke about marriage. The woman was not sure about the answer but after thinking about it she said “yes”. German Harry was a man that lived in Trebucked by himself, he did not want to live with anybody. No one knew what had happened to him. Wilson is a man that when he was 25 years old he decided to kill himself at the age of 60. One night, he went to have dinner with a man to the most beautiful place he have never been to before. He had no family, they were dead. All his life, he had worked like a bank manager but one day he decided that he did not want to work there the rest of his life, so he went to Capri and he lived there. Wilson had died in the moonlight, he died looking out over the beautiful bay of Naples that he loved so much. Maybe was the woman who follows her fiance around the world and George was her husband. The woman boards on rship that goes to Singapore, and George decided to go too. He wrote a letter to her because it was a long time ago that they did not meet up so he thought she had changed of appearance, they saw each other and the woman said that she was going to marry another man. One American who was hiding in an Italian village and someone told a woman and they did not know if the secret would be safe with her but they took the risk. 

Personal Opinion

I did not like the book a lot. It is very strange. Next time, I will choose a much better one. 

Student's name
Noemi Roman

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