2019(e)ko abenduaren 9(a), astelehena

Tales os the Macabre-Dominic Butler


This book has three different stories and I am going to talk about two of them.

The house of the Broken Mirror

 A school class was doing a trip to Romania.They were going to a village and the students thought that the village was as the other ones, but they didn´t know something that was special in that village. When they arrived at 4 o´clock they went to the hotel and they had to wait for an hour to get their bedrooms ready. They left their luggage in a room and went exploring the town. Some students went to the cafe, others to the shops and three of them, Mark, John and Sarah, decided to go to a house that was isolated from the town, up in a hill. While they were going up an old woman stopped by them and said: -Don´t go to that house, it´s dangerous. People who have been there, have become mad. If you go there, don´t look at the mirrors, John and Sarah were scared but Mark didn´t believe it. -One day a happy family lived there, but that family had a terrible accident and only the child survived. Now, we don´t know if he is alive or not- continued the woman. After saying that, she returned and John and Sarah wanted to go back too but Mark told them that he would continue on his own. John and Sarah didn´t want to leave him alone, so they went too. They got into the house and Mark started behaving in a strange way. Suddenly, the door closed. Mark was repiting: "It´s too late, we can´t leave, he won´t let us". They went up the stairs and saw something strange, but they didn´t know what it was. Mark said: "He´s coming, he want us to be with him forever". Then Sarah threw her friend from the window. After Sarah and John had jumped, they arrived in town and they saw that Mark´s eyes were strange. John had Mark´s phone and saw the photos he had taken. There was a selfie of Mark and behind him there was a mirror where you could see the boy from the woman´s story. 

The last bus home 

Will and Emily were twins and they had lost the last bus home, because Will had cheated on the exam and they had been in detention. They needed to arrive home before their mum did . Emily said that they  had to go on foot. Will proposed to go through the woods. Emily wanted to follow the road, but there wasn´t a way of changing Will´s opinion. Emily told him the story: 40 yeas ago an old woman used to play with some children. The children used to hide and the old woman used to search for them. The woman used to whistle to let them know that she was going to look for them. One day the children and the old woman disappeared, and they said that since that night, other people who have gone into the woods have disappeared too. Will didn´t believe this story and entered in the woods with his sister. They had walked for some minutes when they heard a strange sound, it was a whistle. They started to run but Emily realised that her brother had turned left. She started to look for him and she saw it on the ground and there a scary figure appeared moving towards Will. Suddenly, Will disappeared. Then, the sound disappeared too and Emily started searching for Will. She saw an ugly little wooden house. She entered and saw her brother. They both went out of the house and the sound started again. Finally, they arrived home and they saw that someone was in mum´s room and they realised that it wasn´t their mum, it was the Whistler.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion,  this book shows us that we don´t have to believe everything they tell us because that can lead us to fatal consequences.

Student's name
Elene Sarasola

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