2020(e)ko apirilaren 30(a), osteguna

Gerra Txikia-Lander Garro


Errefuxiatua da Xabi Ugarteren aita. Amak hiru seme-alabak trenean sartu eta muga igaroz Hendaiara joan dira, aitarengana. Gerra giroa heltzear dago eta laster gertatuko dira atentatuak, hilketak, atxiloketak...

Iritzi kritikoa

Euskal errefuxiatuen gaia modu egokian planteatzen du. Liburu oso aproposa dela iruditzen zait, kulturalki Euskal Herriko bilakaera politikoa hobeto ezagutzeko. Gainera, umearen inozentziaz baliatzen da istorioa kontatzeko eta, ondorioz, irakurlea da hausnarketak egin behar dituena.

Maren Fernandez

2020(e)ko apirilaren 21(a), asteartea

Miñan-Amets Arzallus


Ibrahima familia afrikar pobre bateko semea da. Aita hil ostean, gizonezko zaharrena izanik, familiaren zama hartzera behartuta ikusiko du bere burua. Gainera, gerora, anaia gaztea Libiara abiatuko da Europara joatekotan, baita Ibrahima ere, haren bila. Hemen hasiko da, hain zuzen ere, mutikoaren bizitza hankaz gora jarri eta behin baino gehiagotan hilzorian utziko duen gorabeheraz eta arriskuz beteriko bidaia.

Iritzi kritikoa

Esango nuke “Miñan” ez dela eleberri arrunt bat, fikziozko istorio batez haratago baitoa. Nire aburuz, Amets Arzallusek, Ibrahimaren istorio pertsonaletik abiatuz, arrazakeriaren eta afrikar askoren bizitza tamalgarriaren sinbolotzat hartu daitekeen obra bat helarazi digu. Izan ere, hauek pairatzen duten sufrimendua uzten du agerian uneoro. Beraz, honen bidez, interesa sortu ez ezik, errealitate gordina gertuagotik ezagutzera ere gonbidatzen du irakurlea.

María Goya

Food around the world- Robert Quinn

2020(e)ko apirilaren 18(a), larunbata

Long Hot Summer-Kevin Williamson

Miñan-Amets Arzallus Antia


Libueu amaierako pasartea: Berrogei minutu barru, itzuli egin zen. Lehenik helikopteroa, gero barku bat. Salvamento marítimo. Koloretik antzeman nion, basoan esplikatu zidatelako, “zuek salbatzera etorriko den barkua laranja baten kolorekoa izango da”. Huraxe zen. Denak oihuka hasi ginen: “Boza! Boza! Boza!”. 

Iritzi kritikoa
Askotan, ahaztu egiten zaizkigu hainbat gauza, eta COVIT 19 horrek eragindako egoera zail honen aurrean, gogoan izatea komenigarria izango litzateke. Ezin ditugu ahaztu oraindik ere beren herrialdea atzean utzi eta itsasoan murgiltzen jarraitzen duten milaka pertsona horien egoera, edo eta Greziako errefuxiatuen esparruan dauden milaka pertsonena; ezta herrialde txiroetako haurrena, gerran dauden herrialdeetako zibilena, azpiegitura egokiak ez dituzten herrialdeetako herritarrena, edo geure herrialdean bertan kalean nahiz etxean bizi diren horiena ere. Gu etxean gaude bai, derrigorrezko itxialdian, ordenagailu baten parean idazten, bizitza eroso baten parte gara, baina gutxienez, gaur eta orain gu bezain ondo ez dauden horietaz gogoratu beharko genuke eta apur bat beren lekuan jarri. 

June Sanz

2020(e)ko apirilaren 17(a), ostirala

Miñan-Amets Arzallus


Pasarte hunkigarri bat.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburuaren hasiera aldera, pasarte hunkigarri eta labur batekin topo egingo duzue. Pasarte horrek bertako egoera deskribatzen du, herrialde txiro batean hain larria den gaixotasun batek duen eragina, hain zuzen ere. Zati hori irakurri ondoren, protagonistaren gogoetak sakonago ulertu nituen. Ibrahimak hamabi urte besterik ez zituen; hortaz, egoera imaginatze hutsak zirrara eragin zidan. 

Amaia Zeberio

The White Birds-Jane Rollason


This beautiful fantasy book which is called “The White Birds” talks about a king who had ten sons and a great kingdom. When he had his daughter, who was the youngest of the children, his wife, the queen, died.
Years passed and he got married again with another woman, who was a bad witch, who hated the king’s children and wished to keep the power of the kingdom. Some time later, queen was left with absolute power over the kingdom.

One day she cheated on his stepchildren and took them to a forest far away from the kingdom walls where he cast a dark spell on them and they became pigeons.

When the sister found out about this, she ran away into the woods. Night fell and she slept under a tree. That night she dreamed with an old woman who told her that if she wanted to help her brothers, she should go to the sea. The next morning she went to the sea where she made a little cabin with sticks of wood. There she saw ten pigeons which were his brothers.

That night she dreamed again with the old woman from the day before but this time she was a beautiful fairy and she told her that she had to take the flowers from the valley and clean them a lot to build ten magic coats so that his brothers could regain their shape with the condition that he would remain silent until they were finished.
One day, while collecting flowers, she met the king of a nearby kingdom. She accepted with her gaze, because she couldn't speak to them.
The king’s brother didn't want him to get married because he was very jealous and then he could never become king.

The king went on a trip and the queen ran out of flowers and had a coat to make, in the only place where she could find them, was in the cemetery. At night he went to look for them, but the king's brother, chased him and he invented that she was a witch who wanted to kill the king.

Everyone turned against the queen and decided to kill her in the fireplace, one of the pigeons went to warn the king to go to the city as soon as possible while the queen was making the last coat in the dungeon.

The next morning, when they were going to burn her, she came out with the ten coats and suddenly the king appeared and told the truth to his people. Finally the pigeons became a princess, burned the king’s brother, the queen spoke again and they were happy and ate patridges.

Personal opinion

In my opinion this book is beautiful because it takes you to the time and place where the story took place through the words that are used, it is also very easy to understand and the story which tells is precious. I love fantasy books. I would recommend it a thousand times.

From this book we can interpret many things.For example, everything bad always brings something good with it, as much as it takes us to see it.Even though our relatives can harm us , we must be strong in every situation of our lives, because fate is written and everything happens for a reason.

Student's Name
Dani Pérez

2020(e)ko apirilaren 16(a), osteguna

Miñan-Amets Arzallus


Ibrahima, eleberriko protaginista, etxeko nagusia bilakatzen da bere aita hil bezain pronto. Hori dela eta etxetik alde egin beharko du dirua lortu eta bere familia aurrera ateratzeko. Baina egun batean anai txikiak alde egingo du etxetik. Ondorioz, Ibrahima hura bilatzen saiatuko da Afrikako lurralde arriskutsuetan bizia jokatuz.

Iritzi kritikoa

Asko gustatu zait nobelak kontatzen duen istorioa, batetik askotan ez garelako jabetzen familia askok zer sakrifizio egiten duten bizirauteko eta bestetik, irakurlea erreflexio bat egitera bideratzen duelako. 

Nagore Garmendia

2020(e)ko apirilaren 14(a), asteartea

Miñan -Amets Arzallus Antia


Ibrahima Ginean jaiotako gazte bat da, aita hiltzean familiaren ardurak hartzen ditu, baina dena okertu egiten da bere anaia txikia etxetik joaten denean Europarantz. Orduan gure protagonista bere anaiaren bila abiatzen da, basamortuan eta Libian bere bizia arriskuan jarriz.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburua izugarri gustatu zait Europara beste errealitate bat ekartzen duelako. Gainera, oso modu dinamikoan idatzita dago eta erraz irakurtzen da. Adin desberdinetako irakurleei gomendatuko nieke liburu hau.

Miren Izaguirre

2020(e)ko apirilaren 11(a), larunbata

Etxeak eta hilobiak-Bernardo Atxaga


Ugarteko hainbat biztaleen bizitzaren pasarteak kontatzen dira liburu honetan, horretarako munduko hainbat tokietara salto eginez; Paue, Baiona, Gaztela edota Texasera. Txikitan sortzen zaizkigun traumak, soldaduska garaiean egindako lagun eta abenturak, inbidiak sortzen duen mendeku nahia, bizitzan gertatzen diren ezbeharrak eta aitatasunak pertsonak nola aldatzen dituen jorratuko ditu idazleak kapituluz kapitulu. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu ederra da hau, Bernardo Atxagaren begirada helduarekin idatzitakoa. Hainbat pasarteek oso ideia interesgarriak jorratzen dituzte; homosexualitatea, pederastia eta honen ondorioak, inbidia edota aita-alaben arteko harremanak adibidez. Beti ere, Atxagaren beste liburuetan nagusi denez, dena bizitza bezain erreal azaltzen da, pertsonai oso landuak erabiliz. Hala ere, aitortu behar dut hainbat kapitulu luzeak eta astunak gertatu zaizkidala, batez ere bigarren zati eta laugarrenekoak. Ez da, nire ustez, Atxagaren liburu hoberenetarikoa. Hala eta guztiz ere, hainbat pasarteek merezi dute liburua irakurtzea. 

Ane Aramburu

2020(e)ko apirilaren 8(a), asteazkena

The scarlet letter-Nathaniel Hawthorne


The story begins in  the seventeenth-century Boston. A young woman, Hester Prynne, is led from the town prison with her daughter, Pearl, in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” on her breast. Hester is being punished for adultery. Hester’s husband, a man much older than she is, sent her ahead to America, but he never arrived in Boston. Apparently, he was lost at sea. While waiting for her husband, Hester has had an affair, as she has given birth to a child. She will not reveal her lover’s identity and the scarlet letter, along with her public shaming, is her punishment for her sin and her secrecy. 

Personal Opinion

I think that it is a really interesting book, and it helps us  learn a little bit about the society in the seventeenth century, a time when the religion was the most important thing. In addition I think that the punishment Hester revived was totally unfair, she deserved a better life.

Student's name
Elbereth Fernandez

2020(e)ko apirilaren 7(a), asteartea

Urtebete itsasargian-Miren Agur Meabe


1936ko Gerra Zibila Euskal Herrira iristear dela, Jon osabarengana joaten da Garraitzetara (Lekeitiori egiten dio erreferentzia). Osaba bertako farozaina da eta Bilbon baino seguruago egongo den esperantzarekin bidaltzen dute gurasoek. Bertan hamaika abentura biziko ditu osabarekin batera. Tartean, lehen maitasuna, heriotzak edota gerraren ondorio ankerrenak. Urtebete emango du Garraitzetan, tropa nazionalek Euskal Herria hartu ondoren Venezuelara ihes egingo baitu gurasoekin eta jaioberria den Libe arrebarekin.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu oso interesgarria iruditu zait. Istorio erreala ez bada ere, garai hartan gertatu ziren gauzak bertatik bertara azaltzen ditu. Primeran azaltzen ditu gerra garai hartako giro politiko eta soziala. Historia ere jorratzen du, eta gerra hori bikain islatzen du. Historia eta narrazioa uztartzen dituen obra ederra da. Euskal Herriko historia hurbila gustatu eta interesatzen zaion edonori gomendatuko nioke.

Aratz Labaien

2020(e)ko apirilaren 2(a), osteguna

Around The World In Eighty Days-Jules Verne


This story starts in London on Wednesday, 2nd  October 1872. Phileas Fogg is a rich British gentleman who lives alone. Very little can be said about his social life, only that he's member of the Reform Club, where he spends most of his day. No one even knows where his fortune comes from, he's a quiet person. At the club, Fogg gets involved in an argument about a new article that comes in the London Daily Chronicle. This says that it is possible now to travel around the world in eighty days. Fogg accepts a bet  of $20,000 to complete such a journey within this time period. With Passepartout accompanying him, his new servant, Fogg departs from London by train at 8.45p.m on 2nd October. In order to win the bet, he must return to the club by this same time on 21st December, eighty days later.

Personal Opinion

I really liked this book because of  the following reasons: The book contains easy vocabulary and it is easy to understand what's happening in every moment. Another of the reasons why I liked the book is that it is an adventure book. I absolutely like this kind of books and when I read this one I was like submerged in a world of possibilities and endless adventures.

Student's name
Maria Vega

A marriage of convenience-W. Somerset Maugham


A Frenchman needed to find a wife to marry her. One of his friends said to him that she had a cousin who had an important job in the Government and the Frenchman needed this. So he decided to ask her and they spoke about marriage. The woman was not sure about the answer but after thinking about it she said “yes”. German Harry was a man that lived in Trebucked by himself, he did not want to live with anybody. No one knew what had happened to him. Wilson is a man that when he was 25 years old he decided to kill himself at the age of 60. One night, he went to have dinner with a man to the most beautiful place he have never been to before. He had no family, they were dead. All his life, he had worked like a bank manager but one day he decided that he did not want to work there the rest of his life, so he went to Capri and he lived there. Wilson had died in the moonlight, he died looking out over the beautiful bay of Naples that he loved so much. Maybe was the woman who follows her fiance around the world and George was her husband. The woman boards on rship that goes to Singapore, and George decided to go too. He wrote a letter to her because it was a long time ago that they did not meet up so he thought she had changed of appearance, they saw each other and the woman said that she was going to marry another man. One American who was hiding in an Italian village and someone told a woman and they did not know if the secret would be safe with her but they took the risk. 

Personal Opinion

I did not like the book a lot. It is very strange. Next time, I will choose a much better one. 

Student's name
Noemi Roman

127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...