2020(e)ko maiatzaren 31(a), igandea

Manuscrit trouvé dans une bouteille-Edgar Allan Poe


L'histoire commence quand un jeune homme s'embarque sur l'île de Java. Au début du voyage, tout a été tordu par une tempête et tout est tombé dans la mer. Les seules personnes qui ont réussi à rester sur le navire étaient le jeune homme et un vieux marin. Comme la tempête était très forte et qu'il allait être très difficile de survivre, le jeune homme a pensé qu'il allait mourir et a décidé d'écrire toutes ses aventures sur le papier. Plus tard, il a mis le papier dans une bouteille et l'a jeté dans la mer. Finalement, comme le pensait le jeune homme, la tempête les avale et le marin et le jeune se noient. 

Avis de l'évèle

À mon avis, c'est une très belle histoire. C'est vrai que c'est un peu difficile à lire. J'ai appris beaucoup de vocabulaire et je recommande aux gens qui aiment les histoires d'action.
Nom de l'évèle
Irati Aiestaran

Contes D'Andersen-Hans Christian Andersen


J’ai lu “Contes d'Andersen”, un livre pour enfants avec trois contes courts. Le premier conte est “Les fleurs de la petite Ida”: dans cette histoire, quand les fleurs de la petite Ida sont malades, un étudiant lui raconte qu'elles sont fatiguées parce que le soir elles dansent au palais du roi. Cette nuit-là , quand Ida dormait, elle écoute une musique dans le salon et quand elle s’approche, elle voit toutes les fleurs et ses jouets danser. Le deuxième conte s'intitule “La petite fille et les allumettes”: dans cette histoire, une petite fille pauvre doit vendre douze boîtes d'allumettes la veille de Noël, mais elle ne peut rien vendre. Elle a peur de rentrer à la maison, donc elle reste dans un coin et se réchauffe avec les allumettes. Chaque fois qu’elle e allume des allumettes, elle voit des choses merveilleuses. Finalement, elle voit sa défunte grand-mère et la petite fille s’en va avec elle. La troisième histoire, “Le vilain petit canard” porte sur: un canard qui est né différent aux autres, parce qu’il est moche. Á la ferme tout le monde se moque de lui et finalement sa mère lui dit de s’en aller. Après avoir vivre pendant beaucoup d’années très tristes et dans des emplacements différents, quand il s'approche à un groupe de cygnes, il découvre qu'il est un d’entre eux. 

Avis de l'évèle

J’ai bien aimé ce livre parce que les contes sont courts et plus ou moins rapides et faciles à lire. Je ne connaissais pas tous les mots de ce livre et j’ai dû les chercher sur le dictionnaire, donc j’ai appris un peu de vocabulaire. Je pense que les trois contes sont bons, je connaissais déjà le troisième, parce que je l’ai lu quand j'étais petite en espagnol, mais mon préféré, c’est le deuxième, qui est un peu triste mais très intéressant.
Nom de l'évèle
Francesca Simon

2020(e)ko maiatzaren 29(a), ostirala

Moby Dick-Heman Melvine


Ishmael is one boy and he lives in New York but he wants that his life was more interesting. He goes to live on a city next to the ocean. He startedd working like  a fishmoger , he did a lot friends working. And he had an amazing adventure with a whale called Moby Dick.

Personal Opinion

It is a very interesting book.

Student's name
Iñigo Mugica

2020(e)ko maiatzaren 28(a), osteguna

Hercules-Anne Stanmore


Hercules is the favorite son of Zeus, but Zeus’ wife, Hera, hates Hercules and she puts a spell on him. Hercules sees some soldiers and he kills the soldiers, but they are really his wife and children. To be good again, he has to be the servant of the King Eurystheus for 12 years. He hates Hercules and he gives difficult missions to Hercules, impossible things to do: Hercules, has to kill the Hydra, clean the stables of King Augeas, take three golden apples and take Cerebus. He survives and accomplishes all the missions, so, he goes again to the Mount Olympus and he is happy. 

Personal Opinion

This is very good book, I like it because I like history and these gods. The language is easy for me. My favorite part is when he is in the underworld, with Hades. 

Student's name
Ibai Rodriguez

2020(e)ko maiatzaren 27(a), asteazkena

A Ghost Collection-Anne Standmore


This books have has got 3 stories but i'm going to do write the summary of one: Sarah's new house SARAH’S NEW HOUSE The history story starts with a family that is going to move to anew house. When they move, Sarah finds an old dress and when she goes to look at the dress in the mirror, she saw a ghost in the reflection. and she quickly covered the mirror, but when every time she passed walked in front of the mirror, she listen heard the a macabre laugh. After Later in this that day she go went with his father to talked to the proprietari owner and Sarah question asked him that who lived there before she's her family. and the proprietary owner said that his grandmother lived there to pay homage to her sister, that who died when she has was 14 years old. and from there then on, sarah said to the ghost called Anne what she knew about her and Anne went on and on with the macabre laugh. but i In the end, it was all a nightmare , just before Anne and her family moved to the house. 

Personal Opinion
I like the book. It is very interesting . my favourite part of the book is the third history but I didn’t like so much the pictures of the third history. The english language was very good and is easy.

Student's name
Ane Ropero

Pocahontas-Irene Kay


Once upon a time there was an Algonquin tribe, called the powhatan. The people hunted animals for food and used the skins to make clothes, shoes and tents. The mothers made jewelry from shells and animal teeth. In 1595 the powhatan chief had a baby girl. Her name was Matoaka, and she was a very pretty child. In the spring of 1607, three English ships arrived in America. They wanted to live in the “New World” of America. They began to build a town near their village. They also wanted the gold of America to return to England. In the summer the weather was very hot and the people got sick and died. They also didn’t have any food. The Americans helped them and they gave food to grew their crops. The Americans wanted to be their friends. One person of the tribe knew the Englishmen better than anybody else. That was Pocahontas. Pocahontas was the chief’s daughter. One day there was a white man walking along and they caught him and brought him to a tree.The Americans, they were going to hit him but Pocahontas prevented it. She gave food and he stayed with Americans. The white man was John Smith. Pocahontas and he became friends and the tribe too. One day a lot of white families came to their land and they started bringing animals from England. The white men were killing the animals. They needed food because they didn’t have any. The American told them that if he gave them the guns they would give him food. The Americans gave them the food but the white men didn’t give the guns. One night, the Americans went to the white men’s village to take the guns. They took the guns but they took some men. So the Americans took white men. But the white people took Pocahontas as a prisoner. Day passed and she stayed in prison. Little by little she started learning English. One day a boy called John Rolfe came.They fell in love with each other. But there was a problem. Pocahontas was an Algonquian Native American and Rolfe was a Christian Englishman. Rolfe asked to the Governor if they could get married. The Governor allowed them to marry and on 5th of April of 1615 they got married. In January, she had a baby called Thomas. The American people had to move to England but they were scared. Pocahontas and 11 people more went with her to England. Pocahontas explained how they lived in Algonquian Native American. During the party she heard one voice, she look and it was her friend John Smith. In 1617 they decided to return to America. But after one day, her head hurt and she had red spots on her face. She had smallpox. It was contagious and they had to leave the ship. Her husband Rolfe helped her but she was 22 years old and she was going to die soon. Pocahontas died in 1617 in Gravesend, England. John Rolfe returned to America but he died five years later, in 1622. Thomas Rolfe, when he was 20, studied in Virginia farm. He became a rich, popular man in America. He married and had children. Pocahontas story shows us that people can be happy together in spite of difference in culture, religions or the colour of their skin.
Personal Opinion
I like this story because the story shows us that people can be happy together in spite of difference in culture, religions or the colour of their skin…
Student's name
Iera Alonso

Saving Copper-Marisa McGreevy


Molly's father is dead and her mother doesn't have much money, but Molly wants a horse for Christmas ... She has a hobby: riding horses, but she can't ride because her family doesn’t have much money. She often walks to the local stables; Some of Molly's friends go there, but they treat her badly. Molly's cousin works in the stable and he is a stable boy. He introduced Molly the horse “Copper”. Molly Liked Copper very much. Little by little she began riding Copper. One day, Molly took part in a horse-jumping competition “riding Cooper”.Molly discovered that Cooper had special talents. -and a secret enemy! It was the owner of “Copper”!!! The owner was abusive towards Copper. He wanted to recover from the equestrian center. Finally, Molly managed to keep the horse. 

Personal Opinion

I liked the book because it seemed to me very interesting. I didn’t like so much the part when the girl asked for a doll as Christmas present and the boy asked for a car. My favourite part is when Molly won the competition. It is in English and in my opinion it is quite easy to understand. 

Student's name
Leire Iraeta

Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austen


The Bennet’s family had five beautiful daughters and the oldest one, Jane, fell in love with a rich man called Mr. Bingley. They both first met in a party and they fell in love at first sight. Mr. Bingley also had a friend called Mr. Darcy who was more handsome and richer but he was really arrogant. Elizabeth overheard him saying bad things about her ,so she really disliked him. After some time Jane and Charles Bingley became closer but Bingley’s sister, Caroline Bingley, didn’t like her. One day Caroline invited her to eat dinner with her, but while she stayed at their house, she got ill. So Elizabeth went to visit her and Caroline let her stay even though she didn’t like her. They ate dinner together with Caroline, Charles and Darcy. Elizabeth realised that Charles really liked her and that Caroline was really attached to Darcy, but Darcy didn’t like her. She also realised that Darcy was only paying attention to her but she didn’t like him. After she was fine, they went home. The next day a man called Mr. Collins came to the Bennets house, because he wanted to marry one of them. At first he wanted to marry Jane, but, since she wasn’t free, he changed to Elizabeth. But she refused, so he went to ask Elizabeth’s best friend Charlotte and she agreed. Elizabeth wasn’t happy with the decision her best friend made but she couldn’t do anything about it. One day the sisters were walking in town and they bumped into an officer called Wichman. He went on a walk with Elizabeth and while they were talking, he said bad things about Darcy and Elizabeth was really angry. He was way worse than she thought. He also told her that she couldn’t tell it to anyone. After some time passed, the Bingleys moved to London. Jane couldn’t believe what was happening and she got really sad. Elizabeth knew they moved because she knew that Darcy was going to get engaged with Lady Catherine’s daughter. They moved to London with her so that his brother, Mr. Bingley, would get closer to her. This way Caroline would get more chances to be with Darcy. Jane received a letter from Caroline saying that Georgiana and Charles would get engaged soon. Jane burst in tears as she was reading the letter. She really loved Charles and she couldn’t believe what was happening. But one day Mrs. Gardiner invited Jane to visit London and so she did. Nothing special happened there but she met Caroline and when she spoke with her, Jane realised that Caroline didn’t like her. They stopped being friends. Elizabeth went to visit Lady Catherine and she stayed there for a few days, but she realised that every day Darcy would come to visit. She was really uncomfortable because she didn’t like him. One day Darcy went to her room and, suddenly, proposed to Elizabeth. She didn’t like him so she rejected him coldly. After that rejection, Darcy stopped coming to visit her. He wrote a letter about the truth ,for example: that Wickham wasn’t a good person or that he actually helped her family with their finances because they were poor. She then felt really embarrassed for what she said and she started getting feeling for him, but she didn’t think he liked her because she had rejected him. One day, her parents sent her a postcard and told her that one of the youngest, Lydia, ran away to Scotland to marry Mr.Wickham. Everyone went to search them but couldn’t find them. Until one day, Mr. Darcy found them. They weren’t married yet, but they would marry. Everyone was glad that nothing happened. On the wedding, everyone came, even Darcy, and Elizabeth was surprised because she knew that Darcy didn’t like Wickham. But she was really nervous, so she didn’t say anything. One day news came :Charles Bingley returned. Jane didn’t know if she was happy or sad, but, after some time, they quickly fell in love again. Charles proposed to Jane and jane agreed. Some weeks after their engagement, an unexpected visitor came: Darcy’s aunt. She came to tell Elizabeth that she couldn’t marry Darcy. Elizabeth was upset . But after some days, Darcy came to visit Elizabeth and they went for a walk. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth for the second time and this time Elizabeth accepted it. They announced the family that they were engaged. At first they were surprised but seeing how happy Elizabeth was, everyone congratulated them. Both sisters had their wedding ceremony on the same day. Then Elizabeth and Darcy moved to where Darcy’s sister lived and Jane and Charles Bingley moved somewhere close to them, so they could see each other. Life was very good for the Bennet family now. 

Personal Opinion
I really like this book because I like how Darcy may look arrogant but he is a really good person. And that the men don’t care if Jane, Elizabeth and Lydia are poor. My favorite part was when Darcy proposed to Elizabeth for the second time and that he succeeded. 

Student's name
Mausami Gurung

A Ghost Collection-Anne Stanmore


There are three short stories (The Ghost of Dodson Hall, The Priest Hole and Shara’s New House). The Ghost of Dodson Hall: In 1940 there is a war between Germans and British and the children from big cities are moved to small cities. In this case Sall, a 12 years old child from London, goes to a village called Norrick and she stayed at Miss Dodson’s house. Miss Dodson is an old woman who lives alone in Dodson Hall. There weren’t any children in the house, but suddenly, Sally hears children laugh, so she decided to go to the kitchen. She finds two children, a boy and a girl. She told Miss Dodson but she tells her that it’s impossible because there aren’t any children, so Miss Dodson says that she imagined it. Sally kept seeing the children but the girl sometimes says “Mee Lee” or “The locket” and they were searching for something so Sally tells Miss Dodson. Miss Dodson tells her the tragic story about her ex gardener and his family: the gardener had two kids, a boy and a girl, and the girl had a locket but the girl broke it. She gave the locket to Miss Dodson to fix it but that night a fire began and the family died. Sally and Miss Dodson decided to put the locket on the kitchen’s table with a note. The next morning the both thongs disappeared and Sally never saw the children again. The Pries Hole: Harry went to a boarding school but at night he saw a priest. He told him to pray for him. Nobody believed him until he talked with the principal. Harry and his roommates went to another room and, when the builders were redecorating the old room to make a TV room, they found a skeleton of a priest. They made a catholic funeral and they never saw the ghost again. Sarah’s New House: Sarah and her family moved to another house. Sarah chose her new bedroom but there was a wardrobe and a key. She thought it was the attic key, so she went to see. When she went to the attic, she found some boxes and a mirror. In one of the boxes there was a yellow and long dress, she wanted to know if it fitted her, so she went to the mirror and she looked at herself, but there was another girl in the mirror. The girl started laughing and Sarah, frightened, went down-stairs. The next day her mum brought the mirror to Sarah’s room and she heard the laugh again, so she asked her father who lived before them in that house. The father went with Sarah to see Mr. Ross, the owner. Mr. Ross told them that the house was from his grandmother but she died in the hospital. He told them that her grandmother didn’t want to leave the house because her big sister, who died, loved that house. When Sarah went home, she tried to talk with Annie, the sister of Mr. Ross grandmother’s oldest sister. Sarah talked with her because she wanted to stay but Annie didn’t want them in her house, so Annie told Sarah that she could stay but only if it’s forever. Somehow Sarah started disappearing and she woke up in her old bedroom but there was something strange. 

Personal Opinion

I kinda liked the books, I liked the theme and that there were three short stories but I didn’t like how the last book finishes, I need more information. My favourite book was “The Ghost os Dodson Hall” and I think it was easy to understand.

Student's name
Soraya Lima

A Foreigner in New York-Ramón Ybarra Rubio


The story is about a Spanish boy called Antonio. He has a friend called Jason who studied with him at Salamanca’s university and now he lives in New York. Antonio lived in the United States when he was child and now he is going to visit Jason. He hasn’t got enough money to go to New York but he proposed to his newspaper’s boss to write a report about his travel in New York. Finally, the boss accepted the offer and he went to New York at Christmas. He made a lot of new friends, but even if the story doesn’t say much, I think that he has something with Elaine, one of his friends. He returned to Spain and he continued writing reports from different places. He wants to go again to New York and he proposed to the newspaper’s boss to write a report of New York again, but in this case in the summer. He goes to New York and he again visits the main places of the city. He meets famous people like Antonio Banderas. When the time to return again to Spain comes, Elaine tells him that she will go to Spain as soon as possible to visit him.

Personal Opinion

I think the story is great because you can visit a place and live adventures at the same time. The language isn’t too difficult to understand. I recommend this book to people that want to explore and visit the world. I think also that there are more books of this section in other places like London or Barcelona. To this book I gave a mark of nine out of ten. 

Student's name
Harri Rodriguez

The Masque of the Red Death-Edgar Allan Poe

There was something called the red death that was in the country for a long time, it was a deadly plague. The victim first was in pain and dizzy and the blood began to pour out. The prince called thousands of friends and took them far away to one of his distant castles. The prince and his friends planned to escape the horrible plague, they didn’t worry about the other people. They had music, clowns, food… inside the castle. After months the prince invited his friends to a masked ball. There were 8 rooms and each one had different colours but the 8th room was the colour of the blood. The room was scary, so very few people entered. There was a huge clock that made huge noises every hour. When it struck, everyone stopped dancing and became afraid, but then people started dancing again. The prince decided on their outfits, they dressed as grotesque. Then a stranger came dressed as the red death with blood dripping in his body. The prince got mad, the stranger went to the black room and the prince chased him but when he reached the black room the stranger turned around and the prince died. The others went to chase him out of anger and pull the mask to see who it was. When they pulled the mask there was no one inside and they figured out it was the red death. They all died and every room was filled with blood. 

Personal Opinion
I liked it because it was very interesting but it was a little scary for me. My favourite part was when they found out that there wasn’t anyone inside the Red Death.

Student's name

2020(e)ko maiatzaren 25(a), astelehena

Gulliver's Travels-Jonathan Swift


Gulliver lives with her wife and two children, and he doesn't have a lot of money. One day Gulliver goes to the Indian island. After one hour, he arrives to an island. Something went up on Gulliver’s leg and some little men had ropes tied to the ground. Gulliver was scared and suddenly they started giving him food. The small people didn’t speak his language. The small people take Gulliver to a small city. There’s a small man on a small white house and the little man was a king. The next day hundreds of servants come to clean the temple where Gulliver was sleeping. Then they bring 500 mattresses and make a comfortable bed for Gulliver. Soon, They make new clothes for Gulliver with a small pieces of cloth. They called him mountain man. The name of the island is Lilliput. There’s another island near Lilliput and the people of Lilliput and Blefuscu are enemies. One day, the king comes scared because there were a lot of boats coming to Lilliput. Gulliver took the ropes that hung over the boats and dragged them out the sea. One day the castle began to burn and the queen was near the castle. Gulliver took water and threw it on the castle and saved the queen. Gulliver has to go home and took his sheep and went to the sea on his way home. After 6 days, he came to a new land and there were people bigger than Gulliver in that new land.They caught him from the leg. When he arrived home, he poured the milk to eat. Days went by and Gulilver began to live with them. For next five weeks, the farmer took him to the restaurant every day. Soon, everybody in town hears about him and wants to see him. Gulilver goes to the capital to live, he goes to Lombulgrud, the big city. The king of Benbilgal sends a message to the farmer, and the next day they went to the city and he liked it and he wanted to buy it for 1,000. Netx day a bird took him to the sea and throw him to one boat, in this boat there were some captains.They were going to Gulliver city. 

Personal Opinion

I liked this book because I watched the movie and I liked it so much, but the movie and the book aren’t the same. I liked everything. My favoruite part of the book is when he arriver in Lilliput. 

Student's name
Nahia Martin

Moby Dick-Herman Melville


They traveled to New Bedrord from the island. They wanted to catch the whale. While there were going to catch the whale, they found a person. They threw the harpon and killed him. Then, the whale attacked Ahab.

Personal Opinion

The book is very interesting, I recommen(better present tense) it. In my opinion the book is very interesting /good .

Student's name
Jokin Estarbe

Moby Dick-Herman Melville


The fight of the captain ahab who tries to chase Moby Dick to get revenge, which is a whale that long ago ripped off his leg in the wide sea. 

Personal Opinion
I would recommend the book because it is interesting. The captain's revenge towards the whale in the wide sea makes the adventure book enjoyable to tell to children. 

Student's name
Javier Díaz

Tutankhamun- Julie Hart


The pharaoh of Egypt dies and his nine-year-old son,Tutankhamun becomes the new pharaoh.But, to tutankhamun it was difficult to govern Egypt. Tutankhamun will have many problems because he has many enemies. 

Personal Opinion
I think it was a really easy book to read and it’s also very interesting.

Student's name
Leire Alustiza

Mystery at Lion Rock-Allan Campbell McLean


There were two girls named: Hannah and Jo. Hannah was a banker and she was disappointed with her job. Jo had a house in Mallorca, and she invited Hannah to spend two weeks together. The house was near a place called Lion Rock (beach). They went to the beach and Hannah saw dead seals . It was Markov’s beach and Markov was a bud guy. Next day, they met a guy named Ramon, he said that he was a forest guard. They talked to him. The next morning they went to a market and Markov said to Hannah to be careful. Also she found out that Ramon was a policeman and he was looking out to Markov. Hannah and Ramon decided to meet at the beach, at night. They found a special rock where Markov had a lot of boxes with a substance that contaminated the water. They called to the other policeman because they were in the rock and Markov had a gun.They arrested Markov. 

Personal Opinion

It is a good book and if you like adventures you have to read it.

Student's name
Iker Insausti

Gulliver's Travels-Jonathan Swift


Gulliver is a doctor of England and he lives with his wife and two children.He starts working in a ship and after a storm the ship breaks and Gulliver arrives to an island called Liliput. People of Liliput are very small and after a time they are very kind with Gulliver. But their king wants Gulliver to capture their enemies and when Gulliver says no, he feels very angry. Then, Gulliver goes to the enemies’ island, Blefuscu, but he is very sad and he wants to go back to London.He takes a ship and goes to another island,where people are very big.He lives with a family and the daughter is very kind.The king of the island buys Gulliver and one excursion day Gulliver falls into the sea in the box where he lives. After four days some English sailormen find Gulliver in the sea and he comes back with his family to London.

Personal Opinion

It was very interesting and funny.I like this book. 

Student's name
Ireber Goya

2020(e)ko maiatzaren 7(a), osteguna

Gandhi-Sue Kendall


Gandhi was born in 1869 in India. His family was very religious. He marrie at ages of 13 with an another 13 year old girl. He wasn’t happy because they were fighting all the time. During his marriage, he improved his marks. He went to England to study at the university. He started eating meat and he liked it but he knew that he wasn't doing the right thing. He left England and his studies. He stopped eating meat. In India he started to live with his family and he began a more spiritual life. When he came to his house his brother told him that their mother was dead. They didn’t want to tell him that until he had arrived. His son was a child who walked a lot with his father and he fought a lot with his wife. She left that house. Gandhi really needed a job because he didn’t have money. One day a rich man ,from South Africa, contracted him for a trail. In the trail, the judge said that he must remove his turban. Gandhi said no and they ousted him. Gandhi travelled by train and they ousted him ,again, because ,supposedly, he couldn’t sit in that train. He got very angry. His boss told him that he should adopt English culture to have the respect of the others. Gandhi finished his work in South Africa and he returned to India. He started to work in a new company. He wanted to turn his family to a British Family but his wife and sons didn’t like it they got very angry. He needed to go from South Africa because his work changed place again. In the last night, his friends and family made a party but when he read the newspaper he got very angry. The government said that the Pndians couldn’t vote anymore, he started to work immediately. Many Indians wanted to move to South Africa because in India there weren’t rights for all the people; only british people, who lived there, had their rights. So in 1899, during the Boer War, Gandhi organized an ambulance corps of 1.100 Indian men to help the war effort. He thought of an idea. He wanted to make pacific demonstration to fight without weapons. They only wanted rights for the Indian people. He went to a few meetings with a man called Smuth who could help them. Finally he was sent to prison. Gandhi wanted to get more right for Indian people like voting... Gandhi started to make demonstrations with other Indians. They wanted more rights for them. One day, the police caught him. He stayed in prison for a long time. Gandhi walked in a salt march for spreading a peaceful message. After a lot of years he went out. A lot of villagers went to visit him. He became very famous. The soldiers started again with the force and they began fighting against them. Finally, The British leaved India. But one day a British person killed Gandhi with 3 shots in his chest. All the people made him a special ceremony.

Personal Opinion
I think that this book is very interesting because it tells you about the life of this important person. I recommend it to all aged people. I liked it and enjoyed this book so much.

Student's name
Zuriñe Baile

Gulliver's Travels-Jonathan Swift


Gulliver lives with his family, and they are poor. They need more money and one they Gulliver’s friend gives him an opportunity. Gulliver and his friend go on a boat to work on a ship. Suddenly, their boat hits a rock and they fall into the sea. Gulliver finds a little island and he goes there. He wakes up and he is surrounded by very little people. Then, he lives some dangerous but fun adventures. Do you want to know what will happen at the end?

Personal Opinion

I like this book because I read it when I was a little child. It’s interesting and very easy to understand. I highly recommend it!

Student's name
Ainhoa Aseginolaza

127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...