There were two girls named: Hannah and Jo. Hannah was a banker and she was disappointed with her job. Jo had a house in Mallorca, and she invited Hannah to spend two weeks together. The house was near a place called Lion Rock (beach). They went to the beach and Hannah saw dead seals . It was Markov’s beach and Markov was a bud guy. Next day, they met a guy named Ramon, he said that he was a forest guard. They talked to him. The next morning they went to a market and Markov said to Hannah to be careful. Also she found out that Ramon was a policeman and he was looking out to Markov. Hannah and Ramon decided to meet at the beach, at night. They found a special rock where Markov had a lot of boxes with a substance that contaminated the water. They called to the other policeman because they were in the rock and Markov had a gun.They arrested Markov.
Personal Opinion
It is a good book and if you like adventures you have to read it.
Student's name
Iker Insausti
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