2019(e)ko urriaren 31(a), osteguna

Gezurren basoa-Alberto Ladron Arana


Haur bat desagertu da bere etxetik, etxean bakarrik zegoenean. Foruzainak hura ikertzen hasi dira eta ikerketa horrek emakume baten aspaldiko desagerpen arraro batera daramatza. Asiain inspektorea arduratuko da kasuak ikertzeaz eta misterio asko argitu beharko ditu hori lortzeko.

Iritzi kritikoa

Ekintzaz beteriko istorio bat kontatzen du, eta horrek irakurerraza egiten du liburua. Gainera misterioa amaiera arte mantentzen denez, irakutzeko gogoa pizten dizu.

Leire Mendizabal

Zenbaki lehenen bakardadea-Paolo Giordano


Mattia eta Alice, bi gazte guztiz desberdin, institutu berean elkartuko dira. Haurtzaroan izandako gertaerek beraien egunerokotasunean eragiten die, eta honek, elkarrarazi egingo ditu. Bizitzak banatuko dituen arren, nabarmena da ez dutela elkar inoiz ahaztuko. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Hasieran, bi istoriak batu arte zaila egiten bada ere, hasierako kapituluak beharrezkoak dira istorioan sartzeko. Liburu honek, bizitzako zailtasunei aurre egitea posible dela adierazten digu, betiere maite ditugunak alboan izanda. 

Amaia Zeberio

2019(e)ko urriaren 29(a), asteartea

Hilobiko isiltasuna-Arnaldur Indridason


Erlendurren ikerketa taldeak dei bat jasotzen du, Reikiavik-en kanpoaldean hezur batzuk aurkitu dituztelako. Erlendur protagonistak misterio hau argitu nahiko du inongo pistarik gabe eta ikaragarriak diren gertaera basati batzuetara iritsiko da. Hau ez ezik, bere bizitza pertsonalean dituen hainbat erronka ere jasan beharko ditu.

Iritzi kritikoa

Idazleak zu pertsonaia guztien azalean sarrarazten zaitu. Gainera, planteatzen dituen istorio lazgarriak sentimendu mordoa sorrarazten dizkizu: amorrua, errukia, tristura, beldurra eta beste hainbat. Honek eleberria oso erakargarri egiten du eta hilketa kasuak nondik joko duen badakizun arren, beti dauzkazu nolabaiteko zalantzak eta intriga.

Idazlea: Unai Razkin

Zure arimaren truke-Fernando Morillo


Zer egingo zenuke zure bikoteari minbizia aurkituko bazioten eta zu ikertzailea izango bazina? Bernarten kasua da hau, minbizia ikertzeari ekiten dio bere neska lagunaren azken urtea dela esatean. Esperantzak galdu barik bere Iruri salbatzearren bere bizia arriskuan jarri eta gauak eta egunak igarotzen ditu laborategia, ordea, edozer egiteko prest egongo al da, baita hura galdu behar badu ere?

Iritzi kritikoa

Oso liburu interesgarria eta desberdina da, nahiz eta gai gogorra ikutu erraz irakurtzen. Minbiziaren aurkako borrokaren errealitatea eta gogoa erakusten du.

Egilea: Miren Izaguirre

2019(e)ko urriaren 28(a), astelehena

Behi euskaldun baten memoriak-Bernardo Atxaga


Nolakoa al da behi euskaldun baten bizitza? Halako galdera egin omen zion Atxagak bere buruari, eta hemendik jaio zen "Behi euskaldun baten memoriak". Pasadizo eta esaera zaharren artean, Mo behiaren bizitza eta Euskadiko ohitura eta historia deskubritzera eramango gaitu autoreak.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu txiki eta apal hau irakurtzeko erraza da, baina batzuetan denboran egiten diren saltoek irakurlea nahas dezakete. Hala ere, oso gomendagarria da, Atxagak ez du parekorik istorio simpleenak obra bihurtzeko.

Egilea: Ane Aramburu

2019(e)ko urriaren 3(a), osteguna

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


It was Christmas Eve. Ebenezer Scrooge was an old mas who had been working with his friend Jacob Marely in a shop. His friend died 7 years ago so he was working alone. He was very ambitious and he didn't like people he only liked money. A man called Bob Cratchit worked for him and he treated him very badly. Bob had a wife and 6 childen and they were poor. That day, while both were in the shop, Scrooge's nephew, Fred, entered in his office and said: "Merry Christmas uncle! Do you want to come to our house to have dinner?" He was is unique family memmber. Scrooge answered: Christmas is nonsense. His nephew left and another gentleman entered asking for money to help poor people. Because he wanted them to have a Merry Christmas. But Scrooge didn't listen to him and didn't give him any money. That night Scrooge went home and suddenly a ghost appeared. It was Marely's Ghost. He was afraid. The ghost explained what he was doing there: "When peopple are alive, must help others, but some people can not do it so when they die, these people become ghosts and they trevel seeing terrible things but they can not do anything to help people, they only can help when they are alive". Then, he said that 3 ghosts wouold go to see him, in three different nights. Then he dissapered. The first ghost was the Ghost of Christmas Past. This ghost showed him his past. He saw his family, the girl who lost because of money... He learnt a lot of things. Then the Ghost of Christmas Present arrived and he showed him how the situation was at Bob's house at that moment. His youngest child was ill. Then he carried him tp Fred's house where he saw that everybody was having a good time. The next night the last ghost arrived, the Ghost yet to came. He showed him how his future would be if he didn't change his attitude. He saw that Bob's child would die, that if he didn' go to Fred house, everybody would laugh at him... So when all the ghosts went and he got up he realised that all this had happened in one night so he was on time, o help people. It was Christmas day. He carried a big turkey to Bob's family and gave them lots of money yo pay a doctor to help the child, he gave the man who had been in the shop the day before, the money he had asked for and he went to Fred's house to have dinner with the family. He also gave a job to Bob's oldest son. He loved people and didn't care so much about money. He loved Christmas more than anything else!

Personal opinion
In my opinion this book shows that is more important people who love you and helpping people than money. You can be happy with people and not a lot of money but you can not be happy with lots of money and feeling alone. This book shows how important it is to valore the things that we have because other people do not have as much as we do. This is important to realise the way a lot of people live in this world and what other people do to help them, NOTHING!

Reviewed by: Elene Sarasola

127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...