2020(e)ko maiatzaren 27(a), asteazkena

A Ghost Collection-Anne Standmore


This books have has got 3 stories but i'm going to do write the summary of one: Sarah's new house SARAH’S NEW HOUSE The history story starts with a family that is going to move to anew house. When they move, Sarah finds an old dress and when she goes to look at the dress in the mirror, she saw a ghost in the reflection. and she quickly covered the mirror, but when every time she passed walked in front of the mirror, she listen heard the a macabre laugh. After Later in this that day she go went with his father to talked to the proprietari owner and Sarah question asked him that who lived there before she's her family. and the proprietary owner said that his grandmother lived there to pay homage to her sister, that who died when she has was 14 years old. and from there then on, sarah said to the ghost called Anne what she knew about her and Anne went on and on with the macabre laugh. but i In the end, it was all a nightmare , just before Anne and her family moved to the house. 

Personal Opinion
I like the book. It is very interesting . my favourite part of the book is the third history but I didn’t like so much the pictures of the third history. The english language was very good and is easy.

Student's name
Ane Ropero

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