2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 21(a), asteartea

Three mystery plays-Donn Byrne


A fortune teller goes to the house of 3 friends and she starts reading foretelling their future. She tells  one of them that it was going to be a bad day for her and after saying that the fortune teller turns into a very strange mood. When the 3 friends had to go, they  realized that someone had stolen them. Finally, they found out that the future teller's friend had stolen them while she was telling them their future. 

Personal Opinion
I like  this book because it was very easy to read and to understand. It wasn't very long and it was entertaining too.

Student's name
Leire Razkin

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127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...