2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 19(a), igandea

Dino's day in London-Stephen Rabley


A famous cinema person goes to London and a taxi driver has to look after her son. The mother gave to the hotel 50 pounds for the son to visit London and buy anything he wanted. A boy that was waiting in the entrance of the hotel said to the taxi driver that he was actress' son and he spent the day with Tommy and he spent all the money. Finally, that boy was the son of the taxi driver's boss and the real Dino was waiting in the hotel. At the end, her mother got angry and Tommy had to pay for it.

Personal Opinion

At first, it seems that the book is for kids but it´s an interesting story. It has not much difficulties to understand. It's short but that doesn't mean it has to be easy. I liked the twist in the end. I recommend it to practise English a little bit.

Student's name
Naroa Gorostizu

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