2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 22(a), asteazkena

The adventures of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain


Tom was a boy who lived with his aunt, because both of his parents were dead. One day, he got angry with his aunt and he went to have an adventure with his friend Huck. They went near a haunted house and they hide behind a tree. They saw how Injun Joe, who was drunk, killed Doctor Robinson. Then, Injun and his friend Muff Potter started discussing about the murder. The sheriff found the corpse of the Doctor, but instead of arresting Injun, they arrested Muff, because Injun lied about the murderer. Days passed by and Injun was on liberty, but he had a problem, he had to hide the treasure, so he went to a cave and Tom saw that, later he decided to tell the police that Injun was the murderer and they decided to put a big metalic wall in front of the cave. That way, Injun couldn´t get out and he died.

Personal Opinion
It is a good book, with an easy vocabulary and entertaining story. It is quite short which is better than long and boring books. In conclusion, I recommend it to people of my age.

Student's name
Maren Mendizabal

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