2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 10(a), ostirala

Uluru-Helen Burton


Tracy Taylor and her mother went on holidays near Yulara, in central Australia. Tracy met an attractive boy called Daren,who  was an aboriginal. They went to a cave to see some aboriginal paintings and Daren told Tracy about his grandfather´s lost paintings. Then they went to another cave. When they were in, they saw some paintings and Daren fell down to a big hole. Tracy went to help him and they found a big box. They opened it and all  the box was full of Daren´s grandfather´s paintings. After that, they heard a noise, they hide behind a rock. They were the thieves that stole Darel´s grandfather´s paintings. The men left the cave and Tracy and Daren went to tell his grandfather. They went again with Daren´s grandfather and the police, but they didn´t find the right cave, so the police didn´t help them. Another day, they went with Darel´s grandfather and they found the cave, but there were the thieves and their leader. They kidnapped them and they pulled them to the desert. If you want to know what happens to  them, read the book!

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, the book is very nice and easy to read, I understand it well and I feel good reading the book.
Student's name
Intza Olano

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