2019(e)ko azaroaren 27(a), asteazkena

Moby Dick-Herman Melville


This book tells the story of a young boy, who wants to have adventures. This book is autobiographyc. The protagonist is Herman Melville, who is also the writer. He tells his story, wich is about a 15 year. When he was that age he left school and started working. He travelled to England in a ship. There, he discovered his passion for the ocean. For that reason, he decided to become a harpooner of a ship called "Pequod". The "Pequod" sailed and all the adventure began.

Personal Opinion

I think that this book is a book hat shows us the consequences of hunting whales. How people get obssesed with hunting whales and sometimes people died hunting them. This book also, tells us the harpooners daily life, how hard it can be. I think that the story is very well told, but I think that it's a bit repetitive, because it is all about hunting whales.

Student's name
Josune Diez

Amaren Eskuak-Karmele Jaio


Nereari jakinarazten diote bere amak buruko gaixotasun bat duela, kalean galduta ibili ondoren, ospitalera eraman eta han egiten dizkioten frogak aztertu bezain pronto. Honen ondorioz, bere ama ospitaleratu egiten dute eta Nereak bere izebari (amaren ahizpari) egoeraren berri ematen dio. Berak Alemaniatik itzultzeko erabakia hartu eta Nereari babesa eta laguntza ematera etortzen da. Erietxean amarekin dauden bitartean hainbat gauza jakiten dituzte iraganaren inguruan...
Iritzi kritikoa

Oso liburu interesgarria da. Familiarteko sekretuak direla eta, asko engantxatzen du eta oinarrian duen istorioa hunkigarria da. Honek irakurterraza izatea egiten du. Gomendagarria.

Ane Garmendia

2019(e)ko azaroaren 26(a), asteartea

Sanouk and the elephant-Maureen Reynolds.


It was Sanouk's 12th birthday and his father gave him an elephant called Koo, this was a tradition in Sanouk's village. Sanouk taught Koo many things, and they were very happy. One day, they went to a festival, called "the elephant fair". But there, an elephant thief, kidnaped Koo. The next day, Sanouk and his father went to a city to find him. After a long adventure, they found Koo and they came back home.

Personal Opinion

I think this book is very interesting. It isn't long, and there are many pictures, I like that. It's easy to understand, the vocabulary is simple, and it helps me to enter the character. I like this book and I'm going to read another book of this publishing house.

Student's name
Ainhoa Aseginolaza

Tales of the macabre: The whistler in the woods


This is the story of two twins called Emily and Will, who lost the last bus home because the had been punished at school. The only option to return home before their mum arrives is walking through the forest, but Emily refuses to walk in the forest because a friend told her a story of a Ehistler woman and some missing children , and she is afraid. Finally his brother convinces her, but when they are in the middle of the woods, the whistler woman starts to follow them, they escape and they arrive home, where they think they are safe, but their mother isn't waiting for them. The woman of the woods is.

Personal Opinion
I think that the story is really interesting. I love te fact that it tells a scary story, because I love it! If you are a fan of mystery books you should read this one.

Student's name
Elbereth Fernandez Oyarbide

Cinderella and the sisters-Ronald Store


Cinderella is a young girl who lives with her stepsisters and with her stepmother. They treat her badly. One day, Cinderella knew that a ball would be celebrated at the palace. Her stepsisters were invited to the party but she wasn't taken over there. But suddenly a fairy godmother appeared. After that, Cinderella was wearing a beautiful dress in the party. She was dancing with the prince. But at 12 o ' clock she had to go out. She forgot a shoe. The next day the prince was looking for her. Finally, he arrived at her house and he found her. Lastly they married.

Personal Opinion

I think that this book is very interesting. I believe that the stepsisters should treat her well. They transmit bad vibes to her. Finally, Cinderella feels sad because her stepsisters treat her bad.

Student's name
Zuriñe Baile Muñoz

2019(e)ko azaroaren 25(a), astelehena

Nire turbantearen sekretua-Agnès Rotger eta Nadia Ghulam


Eleberri honetako protagonista Nadia izeneko neskatxa da. Nadia Kabulen jaio zen. Bere herrialdea gerran sartu zen eta gerra garaiko egunetako batean, bonba batek egin zuen eztanda Nadiaren familia osoa etxen zela. Zoritxarrez, Nadiak jasan zituen ondorio larrienak, eta ondorioz, denbora luzea igaro behar izan zuen ospitalean. Familia, guzti honen ondorioz, egoera oso txarrean aurkitzen da eta Nadiak hau hobetzeko asmoz, gogor ekiten dio lanari.

Iritzi kritikoa

Izugarri gustatu zait ipuina, benetako istorio bat da eta gaur egun horrelako kasuak ematen jarraitzen direla ziur nago. Horrek zer pentsatzeak ematen dit. Nahiago izango nuke horrelako istorio bat fikzioa izatea eta ez benetako historia batean oinarrituta egotea, lotsagarria iruditu baitzait Nadiak jasan behar izan dituen egoerak. Izenburua oso egokia da. Nadiak duen turbante horren azpian sekretu handia ezkutatzen baita. 

Ane Gonzalez

110. Street-eko geltokia-Iñaki Zabaleta


New York hirian bizimodu duin bat edukitzea ez da gauza erraza. Joseba izeneko euskaldun gazte bat hiri honetako hotel txiki batean bizi da. Euskal Herrian poliziarekin arazoak izan zituelako egin zuen ihes hona. Hainbat zailtasun izango ditu bizimodu normala edukitzeko eta kontrabando lanetan sartu behar izango du. Joseba egoera latz honetan dagoen bitartean, Angie izeneko neska amerikar gazte bat, publizitate agentzi batean dabil lanean, New York hiriko metroetan ze kartel jarri aukeratuz. Angiek eta Josebak metro bera hartu ohi dute. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu hau asko gustatu zait orokorrean, hala ere gauza batzuk ez zaizkit hainbeste gustatu. Istorioa nola dagoen girotuta gustatu zait gehien. Film eta liburu gehienetan New York hiriaren alde onak besterik ez dira agertzen, baina liburu honetan, New York hiriaren alde iluna oso ondo transmititzen du eta hiriaren alde txarra ezagutu dezakegu. Bestalde, idazlea pertsonaiak deskribatzeko gehiegi luzatzen dela iruditzen zait. Baina, hala ere, liburu hau irakurtzea gomendatzen dut. 

Joseba Gaztañaga Iturralde

2019(e)ko azaroaren 24(a), igandea

Otalorea-Toti Martinez de Lezea


Urondo baserriko anaiak umezurtz geratu ondoren, Loiolako santutegi batean sartu zituzten hura itxi eta etxera itzuli behar izan zuten arte. III. Gerra Karlistako garaian, etxeko giroa hoztu eta jarrera kontrajarriak hartu zituzten anaiek; bata, liberala; bestea, karlista; eta hirugarrena, gerraren aurkakoa. Horrez gain, anaia baten heriotzak eta Julia izeneko emakume batenganako maitasunak liskarrak areagotuko ditu. Anaien arteko liskarrek bizitza osoan zehar jarraituko dute, egunerokotasuna zailtzen eta elkarrekiko gorrotoa areagotzen. Gorroto horixe bera izango da, hain zuzen ere, nobela guztian arazoen oinarri eta ondorioa. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Tradizioa, historia, maitasuna eta familia arazoak nahasten dituen nobela hau oso interesgarria dela iruditzen zait. Irakurtzen ohituta dagoen jendeari gomendatuko nioke eta noski nobela historikoak gogoko dituenari. Istorioari dagokionez, irakurterraza dela iruditzen zait, nahiz eta zati batzuetan, istorioa korapilatu eta agian apur bat zailagoa izan ulertzeko. 

June Sanz

Babilonia-Joan Mari Irigoien


Eleberri hau Karlisten eta Liberalen garaian kokatzen da.Trinido eta Zipriano Babilonia baserriko anaia bikiak dira. Betidanik elkarrekin ibili dira, baina zenbait arrazoirengatik, beraien arteko norgehiagoka hazten joan da. Horrez gain, bi anaiak emakume beraz maitemintzen dira, Margaritaz, hain zuzen, eta bere maitasuna lortzeko edozer gauza egiteko prest daude. Biak oso gizon ausartak eta indartsuak izan arren, Trinido izan da beti garaile eta Ziprianok bere aurka oso gogor borrokatuko du. Familia honetan dauden gorabehera guztiak ezagutzeko eta XIX. mendeko Euskal Herriari buruz gehiago jakiteko, eleberri hau oso aproposa da, benetan. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Babilonia liburua oso interesgarria iruditu zait. Entretenigarria izateaz gain, garai horretan zeuden arazoak ulertzeko ezin hobea. Euskal Herriko historia ezagutu nahi baduzu, asko lagunduko dizu eta horretaz gain, gaur egun daukagun bizitza baloratzeko baliagarria da. Bestalde, gai unibertsal bat ere lantzen da bertan: familien arteko arazoak. Ez gaude ohituta horrelako historiak entzuten, baina pentsatzen duguna baino ohikoagoak dira hauek. Benetan gomendagarria dela iruditzen zait.



Kez egindako erretratua-Bill S.Ballinger


Krassy Almauniski ingurune latz batean hezi zen eta hamazazpi urte bete zituenerako garbi zeukan bera jaio zen auzotik ihes egiteko edozertarako prest zegoela. Krassy neska ederra zen eta edertasun hori ondo aprobetxatu zuen. Inguruko gizonek sexuan bakarrik pentsatzen zutelarik, eurak seduzituz eta ondoren euren bizitzetatik desagertuz, maila sozial eta ekonomikoan gora egin zuen. Hala, Chicagoko etxe pobre batetik New Yorkeko auzo aberats batera joan zen bizitzera. Baina arazo bat izango du Dany April detektibearekin. Hura guztiz liluratuta dauka Krassyrekin edertasunak eta etengabe atzetik segika dabilkio.
Iritzi kritikoa

Gehien gustatu zaidana idazleak istorio honen bitartez garaiko gizarteari egiten dion kritika da: Gizonezkoak direla boterea dutenak eta dirua dela bizitza honetako garrantzitsuena kritikatzen du. Oro har, liburua irakurtzea erraza da, baina deskribapenekin luzatu egiten da idazlea, eta batzuetan astuna egin daiteke. Nik deskribapen horiek laburtuko nituzke.Izenburuari dagokionez, “Kez egindako erretratua”, erabat aproposa dela iruditzen zait. Izan ere, Dannyk benetakoa bezala ez den pertsona bat bezala irudikatzen du Krassy. Pasarte interesgarriena, krimenarena iruditu zait, amaiera arte ez baita esaten ea Danny atxilotua izaten den. Pasarte horrek erabat aldatzen du istorioa, bai Danny eta bai Krassyren biziak erabat aldatzen direlako harrezkero. 

Julen Txurruka

Jainkoen Zigorra-Alberto Ladron Arana


Leire Asiain inspektoreordeak Mendaurko mendi-tontorrean agertu diren bi anaia baxenabartarren erailketaren kasua hartu du bere eskuetan. Jendarmeriarekin batera, aurrera doazen heinean kasuaren benetako izatea agerira ateratzen doa, eta gertakariak eta aztarnak lotuz istorioaren bidea eraikitzen doaz. Ikerketarekin batera garatzen da Leireren bizitza, antzinako zein etorkizuneko beldur eta zalantzez josia. Kasu korapilatsu hori argitu eta bere bizitza berrantolatzeko, kemen handiaz jardungo da inspektoreordea, bide arriskutsu eta esploratu gabeak hartuz. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Hasieratik amaierara tentsio handia mantentzen duen liburua da. Trama ondo pentsatua dago eta pertsonaiak garatuak eta anitzak dira. Pertsonai nagusiaren (Leire Asiain) garapen psikologikoa sakon lantzen da istorioa garatzen den bitartean eta hizkuntza aberatsa erabiltzen du idazleak kontakizuna apaintzeko, baina hitz teknikoegiak erabili gabe, irakurleak ulertzeko modukoak. Alde kritikagarriena amaiera da, oso surrealista eta sinesgaitza baita, eta liburua errealitatearekiko fideltasuna mantentzen duen arren, amaiera oso surrealista eta sinesgaitza ematen dio idazleak nobelari.

Julen Teijeira

2019(e)ko azaroaren 23(a), larunbata

Fatum-Jon Arretxe


Barbosa polizia ohiari bere bizimodu apalean nolabaiteko aztoramena eragingo dion berri latz bat jakinarazten diote; bere neskalagun Marisaren hilketa, hain zuzen ere. Gertakariari buruzko xehetasun zehatzik ez izateak ikerketa haren kabuz egitera behartuko du, egungo poliziari ez baitzaio axola urdanga lanetan ibili ohi den emakume zahar baten bizia. Beraz, Barbosak hiltzailea aurkitzeko direnak eta ez direnak egingo ditu.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu hau izugarri gustatu zait, tramaz beteriko etengabeko ekintzek osatzen baitute, eta ondoren zer gertatuko den jakingura sortzen baitu. Jon Arretxeren liburu ezin hobe hau oso gomendagarria dela deritzot, gehienbat misterioz jositako nobelak gustuko dituztenentzat.
Natale Armendariz

2019(e)ko azaroaren 22(a), ostirala

Lost in the jungle-Susan Newman


A family go on holiday and chooses to take a tour in to the jungle. The father eats a poisonous fruit and the guide is bitten by a snake .The children seek for help and the mother with a policeman calls a helicopter and they take them to the hospital.

Personal Opinion

I like the book and in my opinion it is interesting . The pictures are beautiful.
Student's name
Eider Montero

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Millers family decided to go on vacations to Thailand.When they arrived to Thailand, Peter ,the dad and the two kids Linda and Sam wanted to do a walking tour into the jungle,but the mum didn't want to go,so she stayed at the hotel.The dad and the kids went to the jungle with a professional guide and his name is Cha .While they were on the tour,Cha was explaining to them how dangerous the berries are,and while he was explaining the father wasn't paying attention,so he didn't know ad he ate the berries .Then Cha ,Sam and Linda went to find Peter and soddenly Cha fell over because a snake bit him and he asked for help,and when they went to the car to get the antidote for Cha,Peter suddenly started asking for help too, because he wasn't felling well and the reason about that was that he ate the red berries.Linda and Sam were looking for the thing and they started walking through the jungle until they found a village .It was night and the mom started to worry a bout them ,so she called the police and the mom and the policeman went to the jungle to find them and they helped them getting them out of the jungle with an helicopter.Two days later the family ,Cha and some friends were talking and laughing about next year vacations.

Student's name
Amaia Estevez

Island for sale-Anne Collins

There ia an island called Lana.There's a castle. In the castle lives Duncan Mctavish. Duncan puts on a lto of electric lights in all the rooms.One day, Duncan gets a letter. In the letter says elcticity from october to march:5,000$.Duncan hasn't got 5,000$.He can do only one thing : sell the island.Duncan phones a man in London. A famous rockstar went from the island very unhappily.In the island Duncan sees a girl.Jean proposed to Duncan to poen the castle for visitors and make a lot of money.Duncan and Jean are married now.They have two children.

Personal Opinion

The book is interesting.I like the story of the book and the people.

Student's name
Markel Gonzalez

2019(e)ko azaroaren 21(a), osteguna

Zureak egin du-Iñaki Friera


Kazetari batek tratu txarren inguruko artikulu bat idazteko proposamena jaso du. Lana onartu bezain pronto eraso guztiz bortitz bat erakusten duen bideo bat jasoko du, mezu batekin. Honek nolabaiteko zirrara zein jakin mina sorraraziko du protagonistarengan eta gertatutakoaren muturrera ahala edo nola iristeko direnak eta ez direnak egingo ditu. Bideoa bidali duenak lortu du haren nahia, lortu du kazetariak amua irenstea. 

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu zinez interesgarri zein gomendagarria. Benetan gai sakonaren inguruko istorioa izan arren irakur erraza, arina. Nire uste apalean, bidaltzen duen mezua ezin egokiagoa da, egun, gehienetan, nahi gabe bada ere, tratu txarrak jaso dituenean jarri ohi baitugu fokua eta ez aldiz erasotzailearengan.
Irati Esnaola

2019(e)ko azaroaren 19(a), asteartea

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family is on holiday in Thailand. Sam Linda and Dad went to the jungleWIth adriver called Cha. Cha falls and leaves them in the jungle alone. They see that the jungle is a very dangerous place. THe father ate the dangerous red berries. Sam and LInda went to the villagefor help but they didn't find it.They find the river and they think that following the river they can find a villageto ask for help. They see a lot of elephants. The mum is very worried and she calls the police. The mum finds the father LInda and Sam. They go to the hotel and talk with friends.

Personal Opinion

I like this book. I recommend it.

Student's name
Leire Alustiza

The Roman Coins-Caroline Stevens


There is a friendly and generous boy called Steven. He has got a grandpa and a grandma with aproblem in their house (they have to repair it). Steven's grandpa has an old map, wich was a drawing from him. He buried some roman coins when he was a child. Steven and his friend Ben want to find the coins to sell them, keep the money and give it to his grandparents. But there is a big problem, the librarian called Mr Harvey wants the coins too, and he is going to do whatever to have them in his hands. Fortunatly, Steven and Ben got the coins, but they're not the coins grandpa buried. What do you think they are going to do with hem? Are they going to sell them? Are they going to put them in a museum?

Personal Opinion

My opinion about the book is that it's a very good book, because it's interesting and I really like adventure books, and this is the best adventure book I've read.

Student's name
Ekiñe Carrion

2019(e)ko azaroaren 16(a), larunbata

A convict´s Tale-Julie Hart


Ann and William Telfords father died and their mother had to start to work to earn money to buy food and clothes. One day, their mother was sent to prision for stealing some wool. Ann and William were alone. They were hungry so they stole some buns and they were also sent to prision. Conditions in prision were terrible. They were separated and sent to Australia. First, their mother, afterwards, Ann and years later, William. At the end, they met again in Australia, their mother was ill and died. Ann became a good nurse and she married a doctor, and William found some gold so their lifes changed and started to be as happy as when they were children.

Personal Opinion

I liked this book, because I love books of adventures. I recommend reading this book, because it explains how life was in England in 1797. There are many pictures and you can use them to understand the book easier. This kind of books teach me that I have a lot of luck in my life and that around the world there are very poor people and childre who haven´t got any food to eat each day.

Student's name
Sara Elzaurdi

2019(e)ko azaroaren 15(a), ostirala

Five feet apart-Rachel Lippincott


Stella is a patient of the Saint Grace hospital. She suffers CF (cystic fibrosis). It is a disease that affects mostly the lungs. They haven’t got the same capacity to breathe as we do . Stella meets a new boy that just arrived to Saint Grace (will) with CF, and also B cepacia. They always have to be five feet apart because they could catch each other’s bacteria. But they fall in love, and as Stella says, “we need to touch your from the one we love as much as we need every breath”. So they only want to be together even though CF doesn’t let them.

Personal Opinion

This book was my favorite without any doubt. It is based on the film. I knew about it at the beginning of the year, before it came out in English. I was so in love with the movie, and I ordered the book and DVD in English. I highly recommend it, because it makes you aware of how lucky you are for having the life you have; t’s really touching.

Student's name

Ainara Albisu

Sanouk and the Elephant-Maureen Reynolds


Sanouk is from Thailand. He's 12 and with that age in the village that Sanouk lives the fathers gives to the children an elephant. Chuan gives Sanouk an elephant that his name is Koo. One day, when they go to the fair. A thin boy takes Koo. Sanouk and Chuan find's Koo in every city and village. When they were in the car they see Koo , Sanouk is very happy because, he find's Koo. Then, a doctor see's Koo and he cures Koo and often they go to the village.

Personal Opinion

I like this book it is very interesting.

Student's name
Leire Alustiza

Lost in theJungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family goes on holidays toThailand.The children and the father get lost  in a jungle tour.They live many fascinating adventures.

Personal Opinion
The book is very entertaining. I liked it a lot and I recommend it to everyone.

Student's name

Axier. Etxeberria Merino

Uluru-Helen Burton


Tracy Taylor and her mother are on holiday near Yulara in Central Australia. She is from London. Darel is from Yulara. They walk the tunnels on the hill, and they find some boxes and also some thieves. They try to leave the hill and then they go to the police. Bad things happened during the tour.

Personal Opinion

I like the book because it is interesting.

Student's name
Javier Diaz

2019(e)ko azaroaren 14(a), osteguna

The Roman Coins-Caroline Stevens


Steven Green is 14 years old.Steven lives near his grandparents.He finds an old map in the attic handraw, there is one mysterious heart on the map but grandfather remembers burying coins when he was a boy.Steven's grandfather has got money problems and Steven wants to help.Steven and his friend Ben follow the map and try to find the coins but someone else wants to find the coins and there is one adventure.The man who also wanted to find the coins locked Steve and Ben in a dog house.So they wouldn't find them he went yo look for them but Steven and Ben had an idea and started digging to get out and they managed to go out.Then they saw him digging and found the coins and in the end the coins were real and they kept them.

Personal Opinion

It is a good book. It's interesting and I liked it.

Student's name
Mikel Sanchez

The adventures of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain


Tom Sawyer is a boy. He is eleven years old and he lives in St Peterburg, Missouri .St Petersburg is a town on the Missisipi river, in North America. He and her friend listened a sound in the cementery on the night he and her friend go to the cementery,they hid behind a grave, and they watch three people and they kill two of them. Tom takes a map that was next to the river. Then, went to where the map marked and they found a treasure there.

Personal Opinion

I liked this book because it is very interesting.

Student's name
Iñigo Mugica

Around the world in eighty days-Jules Verne


This Adventure story is based in 1872, before the aeroplane was invented. The story is about a young man Fogg, who did a bet with his friends to travel the world in eighty days. On this adventure Fogg was not alone, he was with his servant Passeportout,Aouda and a detective Fix, who thinks Fogg is a bank rober. The travel was not easy but finally he won the bet.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion the story is very nice and its very good to improve English level.

Student's name
Zohaib Ul Hassan

Island for sale-Ane Collins


There are many islands in the sea near Scotland. This story is about one of these islands, it's name Lana. Lana is not big , but it is very pretty and very quiet . There are no houses in Lana, but there is a castle and it is very old. A young scotman lives in the castle and his name is Duncan Mc. tavish. Duncan lives in the castle with his dog. His it's name is Jock. There are quite a few large rooms in Duncan's castle. In winter the castle is very cold and dark.

Personal Opinion

I liked the book a lot but some strange words appear but I liked the rest very much was easy toread it.

Student's name
Amets Gregorio Urdangarin 

Dino's day in London-Stebhen Rabley


Tommy Grant is a taxi driver in London. One morning he is talking to Sam by telephone. He says that his son wants to see London. They are in a taxi on their way to see a British Museum and then, they go to the cinema. Dino goes to the Ritz Hotel to see the famous Gloria. When he arrives home, his parents ask him how was the day at school.

Personal Opinion

The book is beautiful because it's very interesting.

Student's name
Naia Samaniego

A Foreigner in India-Sue Kendall


Edu, a 17 years old boy and his father went to India for the summer. There he met Chandra the son of the Shenoy's an Indian family. In India everyday They visit different things, and one day Chandra and Edu met Jaya, a beautiful Indian girl. They visited Mumbai, Bollywood, a museum, the Taj Mahal,... and many other places, and Edu and Jaya, after spending a lot of time together, fell in love with each other.

Personal Opinion

It was an interesting book and you also can learn somethings about India.

Student's name
Saioa Moreno

2019(e)ko azaroaren 12(a), asteartea

Uluru-Helen Burton


Tracy and her mum are on holidays in Yulara, in the  centre of Australia. The next day they are with Edi, their tour guide.They go to Ulara. Edi's son was in Ulara, he was with Tracy and they went to a cave and they watched paintings and one box. In the box there are paintings, the paintings are Edi's father's. In the cave there are thieves. They stole the paintings. When they left the cave, they went to the grandfather's. The grandfather, Edi's son and Tracy called the police and went to the cave. The thieves were with the boss and they went with Tracy... and left them in the desert. In the box there is a snake and the snake attacked the face of the boss and the jeep went off the road. The police took the paintings to the grandfather and he gave one of the paintings to Tracy.

Personal Opinion

I liked because it is very interesting.

Student's name
Jokin Estarbe

2019(e)ko azaroaren 11(a), astelehena

Tales of the Macabre-Dominic Butler


A group of teenagers went on a school trip to Romania. Mark, who is one of the main characters, saw an strange house and as soon as possible he went there with his friends. An old girl told them not to go there, because it was dangerous but they didn't listen to her. When they got into the house, Mark saw a mirror, and something very bad happened. Finally, they could get out from the house.

Personal Opinion
I think that this story is too short, and it doesn't end very well, because it doesn't tell us the way Mark could return to normality. Apart from this, it has scared me a little bit, but all in all I liked it.

Student's name
Leire Razkin

2019(e)ko azaroaren 8(a), ostirala

Ambassador´s Son- Anne Stanmore


Alan Drury´s father is the lrish ambassador in a dangerous country, Banyuga*.There´s often fighting there and Alan can´t go out alone.He hasn´t got any friends and he´s bored.Alan´s family goes to live in London and they´re happy there.Alan likes his new life very much, but he soon discovers that London can be a dangerous place, too.

Personal Opinion

I liked it because I think london is a fascinating city.

Student's name

Youssef Ben Kassem

Dangerous Journey-Alwin Cox


Four men, Leon, Manuel, Joel and Pedro, were working in the forest two days ago. They went to hunt. It was raining and their truck stopped in the mud. With branches they could move the truck. A large branch hit Leon`s arm. To go to their base they had to cross the river but the bridge was broken. They had a plan. They tied a rope to the boat to cross the river. They can pass the river but Leon`s arm broke. Then, come the helicopter and they go to the hospital with the helicopter.

Personal Opinion

I like the book . It is a very interesting story because it is an adventurous book.

Student's name
Axier Tamayo

2019(e)ko azaroaren 7(a), osteguna

Galdu arte-Juan Luis Zabala


1980ko hamarkadan Xepe eta bere lagunek Azkoitiko eraikin zahar bat okupatu zuten, ondoren gaztetxe bihurtuz. Okupazioak, asanbladak, kontzertuak, drogak, poliziak, manifak... Garai hartako gaztetxeen inguruan sortutako gazte mugimenduak dira istorio erreal honen abiapuntua.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburu zinez interesgarria. Istorio erreal honen bitartez, garai hartako gizartean murgiltzeko abagunea ematen digu liburuak eta hasierako gaztetxe okupazio haiek nolakoak izan ziren hobeto ezagutzeko aukera.

Aratz Labaien

Saving Copper-Marisa Mcgreevy


Molly has got one cousin and his cousin works in a stable. Molly's cousin asked her  if she wanted to ride a horse championship and at the end Molly went and she won. Molly stayed with the horse. 

Personal Opinion

I liked the book because I also like the animals.
Student's name
Eider Montero

Lost in the Jungle-Susan Newman


The Miller family is on holidays. This year they're in Thailand. They made their way to the jungle. Sam,Linda and dad went to the jungle,the driver was named Cha.Cha falls and leaves them on the ground . Cha tells them to keep going. Dad feels bad and sits next to Cha. They ran and found a stream. They made a boat with bamboos near the creeks and when a large rock and Sam fell Linda pulled Sam out of the creek and she covered the sickle which Sam had made. A town was found again when the whole family came together and went to the helicopter.

Personal Opinion

This book is very interesting.I like it very much.I enjoyed  reading it.

Student's name
Ireber Goya

2019(e)ko azaroaren 6(a), asteazkena

Nelson Mandela-Carl W Hart


Nelson was born in Mvezo, a small village located in South Africa. A group of radical nationalists came to the South African government which imposed the supremacy of the white people. Mandela organized a rebellion of non-violent civil disobedience from the ANC. After a few years, he ended up in jail for 27 years. The government decided to release him, and after having been set free, he fought for democracy. Finally, the first elections were held and he became the first black president in South Africa.

Personal Opinion

I think this book is very interesting because it shows you how black people are not bad and how you can get things with non-violent actions and with patience, In my opinion, everybody should read this book.

Student's name
Naroa Ibarguren

Kutxidazu bidea Ixabel-Joxean Sagaztizabal


Donostiako hemeretzi urteko gazte bat, Juan Martin Errazu, Tolosako Aranguren baserrira joaten dan udan, euskara ikasteko eta euskal kultura gehiago barneratzeko helburuarekin. Hasieran , baserriko bizitza zaila egingo zaio, ez baitzegoen ohituta halako lan gogorrak egitea. Ulertzeko zailtasunak izan zituen ere bai, abiadura handian hitz egiten baitzuten. Baserrian, Ixabel izeneko neska batek lagunduko dio egoerari aurre egiten. Juan Martin, Ixabelek egindako guztiaren ondorioz, beraz maitemintzen da. Hala ere, uda amaituko da eta etxera itzuli beharko du.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburua nahiko barregarria da eta ongi transmititzen dio irakurleari euskal baserriko kultura. Algara egiteko apartekoa da eta guztiz gomendagarria iruditzen zait.

Iñaki Bereziartua

Pasaia Blues-Harkaitz Cano


Istorio hau bi zatietan banatzen da. Alde batetik, Cesar Telleriaren istorioa kontatzen du. Hau poliziak salatutzat jotzen dituzten pertsonen aurpegiak topatzeaz arduratzen da. Istorioa aurrera doan ahala, ez du zorterik izango eta eskizofrenian eroriko da eta bere kasurik harrigarrienarentzat erantzun bat aurkitzearren edozer emango du.Beste aldetik, Olatz eta Martaren istorioa kontatzen da. Hauek komando bateko partaide dira Pasaiako pisu batean. Hsieran elkarbizitza euren artean ez dute ondo eramango, baina konponduk dira. Hauek Cesarren kasuarekin lotura bat erakusten dute istorioaren bukaeran.

Iritzi kritikoa

Istorio xelebrea da eta nolabaiteko zailtasunak erakusten ditu egoerak ulertzearren zenbait kasutan nire aburuz. Hala ere, misterioz beteriko kontakizuna denez, nolabaiteko grina sorrarazten du istorioa azkar bukatzeko eta zer gertatuko den jakiteko. Zeharo interesgarria da.

Iñaki Bereziartua

2019(e)ko azaroaren 2(a), larunbata

Musika Airean-Karmele Jaio


Elenak leihotik begira igarotzen ditu egunak, kalera irten gabe, haren bizitzako momentu bakoitza oroituz. Honengatik, bere seme-alabek neskame bat ekarriko diote, honek etxetik ateratzera animatu eta bizipoza transmitituko diolakoan, baina zaila suertatuko zaio neskatxari Elenaren nortasun gogorra samurtzea.

Iritzi kritikoa

Eleberri honek sentimenduak ditu abiapuntutzat, liburua hunkigarri egiten dutenak. Izan ere, Elenaren istorio pertsonaletik abiatuta, gorrotoa eta iraganeko akatsak alde batera utziz, alaitasunez bizitzeko aldarrikapen hutsa da Karmele Jaioren liburu hau.

María Goya

Berriro Itzuliko Balitz-Xabier Etxeberria


Karlos Heinsborg uhartera abiatu da bere alaba jaioberriarekin, bere emaztea eta umearen ama zena hil ondoren. Horrenbestez, berak bakarrik egin beharko dio aurre umea zaindu eta, aldi berean, lan egiteari. Hala ere, arazo hauen garrantzia hutsala da gerora Karlosek aurre egin beharko dionarekin alderatuta, hilketen munduan sartuko baita bete-betean protagonista.

Iritzi kritikoa

Liburuaren hasierako pasarteak ez dira oso mamitsuak, pertsonaiak aurkeztu besterik ez baitira egiten. Hala ere, istorioak misterioaren eta hilketaren bidea hartzean, jakin-min izugarria eragiten du irakurlearengan eta liburua guztiz interesgarria bilakatzen da.

María Goya

127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...