2019(e)ko azaroaren 12(a), asteartea

Uluru-Helen Burton


Tracy and her mum are on holidays in Yulara, in the  centre of Australia. The next day they are with Edi, their tour guide.They go to Ulara. Edi's son was in Ulara, he was with Tracy and they went to a cave and they watched paintings and one box. In the box there are paintings, the paintings are Edi's father's. In the cave there are thieves. They stole the paintings. When they left the cave, they went to the grandfather's. The grandfather, Edi's son and Tracy called the police and went to the cave. The thieves were with the boss and they went with Tracy... and left them in the desert. In the box there is a snake and the snake attacked the face of the boss and the jeep went off the road. The police took the paintings to the grandfather and he gave one of the paintings to Tracy.

Personal Opinion

I liked because it is very interesting.

Student's name
Jokin Estarbe

1 iruzkin:

127 hours-Aron Ralston

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