2019(e)ko azaroaren 16(a), larunbata

A convict´s Tale-Julie Hart


Ann and William Telfords father died and their mother had to start to work to earn money to buy food and clothes. One day, their mother was sent to prision for stealing some wool. Ann and William were alone. They were hungry so they stole some buns and they were also sent to prision. Conditions in prision were terrible. They were separated and sent to Australia. First, their mother, afterwards, Ann and years later, William. At the end, they met again in Australia, their mother was ill and died. Ann became a good nurse and she married a doctor, and William found some gold so their lifes changed and started to be as happy as when they were children.

Personal Opinion

I liked this book, because I love books of adventures. I recommend reading this book, because it explains how life was in England in 1797. There are many pictures and you can use them to understand the book easier. This kind of books teach me that I have a lot of luck in my life and that around the world there are very poor people and childre who haven´t got any food to eat each day.

Student's name
Sara Elzaurdi

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  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...