2019(e)ko abenduaren 3(a), asteartea

The Roman Coins-Caroline Stevens


Steve Green is 14 years old, and he is from Fishbourne. He likes going to his grandparents' house. He usually stays in the attic because there are a lot of old boxes and he likes seeing them. One day, when he was in his grandparents' house, he heard loud voices, they were his grandparents'. They were speaking about the house, because it was very old and they had money problems. After that, Steve opened another box and he found a map. His grandpa drew the map when he was a child. Steve went to his best friend Ben. They started to investigate. They think the money will be in Mrs Marsden´s garden, but it wasn't there. Mrs Marsden was Steve's grandpa's friend, and she knows about the map, then she helped them to find it. They took the money and his grandparents were so happy.

Personal Opinion

The book isn't very long and it's easy to read. It's interesting but at the same time, it is a little bit boring.

Student's name
Aihen Oiarbide

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