2019(e)ko abenduaren 3(a), asteartea

Sleeping Beauty and Bluebeard-Ronald Storer


SLEEPING BEAUTY: A long time ago,a king and a queen had a baby.The fairies liked the baby,but there was a bad fairy and she said ,"the princess is going to cut her hand with a spindle,and she is going to die",but a good fairy  wasn't going to die.When she  cut her hand with spindle,she would go to sleep.When the prince kissed her, she was fulfilled and she would wake up.Seventen years passed,and she  was fulfilled.One prince was walking by the area and  he went to the castle and he kissed the princess.2 years later,the king's mother found  out a lot of snakes in a big hole and one servant pulled Sleeping Beauty and her children,but the king saved them,and the mother fell and died. THE BLUEBEARD: The Bluebeard was a rich men,and he had many houses,but the people didn't like him,because he was ugly.Two pretty girls were neighbours and he invited them to his house.One of them married him.A month later,he was going to go away for 6 weeks,and he gave the keys to his wife,but he prohibited her to go to the small room,because  his money was there.Then, she went to the small room and he saw Bluebeard's other wives and they were all dead.After the trip,Bluebeard realized she had opened the door,and he tried to  kill the girl,but her brother saved her.

Personal Opinion
I think it is quite easy to understand,and the first book reminded me of my childhood.

Student's name
Alai Beloki

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