2019(e)ko abenduaren 29(a), igandea

A marriage of Convenience and other stories-W. Somerset Maugham


This book has got five different stories. The first one " A Marriage Of Convenience", is about a Frenchman, The French Colonial Governor, who had to find a wife quickly for his job, and he fell in love with her. The second one, "German Harry" tells the story of a man who lived alone on the island of Trebucket. The third one, " The Lotus eater" is about Thomas Wilson, who decided to die when he was going to be sixty by commiting suicide. The fourth one " Mabel" is about a woman who followed her fiance, George, around the world. The last one, "The wash tub" tells the story of  an American who hid in an Italian village.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, it's a very interesting book, because it shows different situations that people can live in their lifes. I love the fact that the stories are based on people that the writer met on his journeys around the world.

Student's name
Daniela Berciuc

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