2019(e)ko abenduaren 20(a), ostirala

Strangers on a train-Patricia Highsmith


On a train, Guy meets a man called Bruno, who is a man who didn`t work and had a father who hated and wanted to kill. On the other hand, Guy has a very good job, a secret lover and a wife who didn´t love. Bruno told Guy that if he killed his father, he would kill his wife.Guy refused to do it. A month later, Bruno could not support his father anymore and decided to kill Guy´s wife so that Guy would kill his father and therefore, the police would not suspect who commited the murders. Did the policeman find that out?

Personal Opinion

In my view, this contemporany book is very interesting and entertaining, because it has unexpected twists. The vocabulary isn`t so complicated, which makes the book easy to understand and to read.

Student's name
Paula Elzaurdi

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127 hours-Aron Ralston

  Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...