2019(e)ko uztailaren 1(a), astelehena
Tom Sawyer- Mark Twain.
Esta es la historia de un verano de travesuras, diversión y amistad. Es la historia de Tom Sawyer, el niño que nos llevará a orillas del río Mississippi, a casa de su tía Polly, desde donde saldrá a correr aventuras con sus amigos Huck y Joe.
Explorar nuevas y recónditas islas, investigar personajes curiosos de la comunidad y vivir inolvidables aventuras junto a personajes clásicos de la literatura universal serán solo algunas de las recompensas de esta generosa lectura.
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127 hours-Aron Ralston
Synopsis Aron Ralston, from Aspen Colorado, was a man who enjoyed cycling and climbing, so in his holidays, decided to go to Canyonlands N...
Synopsis A Frenchman needed to find a wife to marry her. One of his friends said to him that she had a cousin who had an important job in th...
Synopsis This book has three different stories and I am going to talk about two of them. The house of the Broken Mirror A school class was ...
Synopsis Eddie and Jon Marks are spending their summer vacation at Silver Lake in the USA, in a wooden cabin next to a strange old house. Wh...
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